Divided America

01 May 2019

William Barr Doesn’t Seem to Know Much but Somehow Knows He’s Right

Sen. Lindsey Graham has proclaimed that all things Robert S. Mueller III, Russia, collusion, obstruction and basically anything skeptical of Donald J. Trump, are done. Done, dammit! Done. The setting for Graham’s grand judgement was at the outset of Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, where Attorney General William Barr was

17 Apr 2019

SAFE Navigation Center Fight Highlights San Francisco’s Humanity, and Lack Of

On March 4, Mayor London Breed announced plans to build the SAFE Navigation Center at Seawall Lot 330. The concept originally allotted for 200 beds (with up to 225 if the space could be worked out) that would provide warm, sheltered spots for at least some of the city’s homeless

17 Mar 2019

What the College Scams Show About White Privilege

Why the mention of Whiteness? Well, for us Black and Brown people we’ve seen these concepts and scenarios far too often. We know the stench of White privilege. It reeks. We know the masquerade of White mediocrity-as-excellence, we’ve been told we don’t work hard enough, and we’ve heard the preaching of bootstraps and hard work and merit. It’s a myth.

Jamal Frederick - Second Hand Scribe 0
06 Mar 2019

Far-Right Whack Jobs Plan a “Rally for Free Speech” at SF City Hall

Hey, folks! Guess who’s coming back to town? We caught wind of an IndyBay post announcing the return of the alt-right (far-right or whatever you want to call them) crowd scheduled for May 3 at San Francisco City Hall and after a little digging around, we were able to confirm

06 Mar 2019

Hey, Trump. Please Keep Berkeley Out of Your Lying Mouth.

Zachary Greenberg punched Hayden Williams, repeatedly. Greenberg was arrested Friday, released on bail and charged with felony assault. He returns to court for arraignment Wednesday. Those are the basics. Details of the altercation are equally pretty basic. Greenberg passed by the Turning Point USA recruiting table at Sproul Plaza on

28 Feb 2019

Cohen Hearing Proves the GOP are Liars & Hypocrites

It has been a grueling week for Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer and self-proclaimed “fixer.” The recently disbarred attorney is facing a third day of testimony Thursday before Congress on Capitol Hill, to be followed in the coming months by a three-year sentence in prison. Wednesday’s open and

20 Feb 2019

Bernie Returns and Brings the “S” Word Back With Him

There’s no disputing that Bernie Sanders made a historic and meaningful mark on the country with his 2016 presidential campaign. Putting all the DNC drama and actual loss aside, the wild-haired, Brooklyn-born Jewish senator nearly made it all the way, or at least made it pretty damn far considering he

19 Feb 2019

Let’s Get Civical Is The Podcast That’s Equal Parts Civics Class and Comedy Show

I bet you think you’re pretty well educated about politics. You can probably name most of the Dems who’ve already announced they’re running in 2020 but can you explain what gerrymandering is? What about ‘cloture’? Or ‘quorum’? Politics is more than just the names on the ballot. It’s also the

Joe DeLong - NYC Editor 0