
25 Oct 2012

Why Your Useless Facebook Comment is Attention Seeking and Annoying

Hey Paul – Go fuck yourself. Sorry couldn’t resist 😉 – Stuart

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
10 Oct 2012

TODAY: FREE Lessons on Broke-Ass Living at Union Square

Today (that’s Wednesday – get with it), the Union Square Greenmarket will host an additional event called New Green City. Brought to you by the non-profit GrowNYC, the all-day “FREE event full of action and dialogue” will feature various workshops on sustainability, urban farming, bike sharing, recycling, and even solar

Jules Owen - Wandering Wastrel 0
03 Oct 2012

Being a Californian in New York City

I am a Californian living in New York City.  I was born in the suburbs of Los Angeles, raised in the suburbs of San Diego, and went to college in the Bay Area, so I’d kind of consider myself somewhat of a semi-expert on Californianity.  Living as a Broke-Ass-West-Coaster-Gone-East for

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
03 Oct 2012

FREE SHOW THURSDAY @ Secret Project Robot

Sometimes I have trouble finding suitable events to write about, mostly because the lines I get from friends all tend to be so horribly pretentious that I would feel better selling you volcano insurance than peddling free invites to some “Night of Hip Modern Literature Wherein Gender Roles are Deconstructed

Jules Owen - Wandering Wastrel 0
01 Oct 2012

Relationships According to Social Media

As I made coffee this morning, I struggled to remember what dating was like before social media became a part of every day life. I thought back to the days of anonymity, speculation, and sharing news by word of mouth. Before the days of Facebook, there was no definite box

Kristin Fehrman - Diva of Deals 0
28 Sep 2012

Oakland Eat Real Festival: Got $5?

The annual Eat Real Festival was upon us this weekend at Jack London Square in downtown Oakland. If you are a fan of ANYTHING food related, you would be remiss not to experience this festival. With the burgeoning street food trend and plethora of gourmet meals you can eat out

Chloe Doores - Economical in the East Bay 0
25 Sep 2012

Get Cultured at Smithsonian’s National FREE Museum Day This Saturday

In my humble opinion, the best part about visiting This Nation’s Great Capital is all of the FREE Smithsonian museums that Washington, DC has going on.  Would I like to learn about everything from airplanes to the decorative arts?  Why yes, especially if I can do so for FREE!  Because

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0