
15 Aug 2015

Planet Booty To Film Concert @ The New Parish

Planet Booty’s last show in the Bay this summer, and they will be filming it.  So if you’d like to be part of the booty fueled mayhem, and perhaps end up on a controversial albeit sexy video on Youtube…this is your chance. (Spoiler alert) their shows are a great time,

14 Aug 2015

Campaign Happy Hour at Clooney’s Pub

Join Stuart for a fundraising happy hour at Clooney’s Pub in the Mission. Help support the campaign, get a poster and stickers and chat with Stuart about your ideas for San Francisco. $10 at the door or pay in advance through the website. All door proceeds are donations to the

14 Aug 2015

Party to Raise Funds for Galeria de la Raza

  Party for a good cause August 19th, 9pm – midnight @ El Rio! Via Galeria de la Raza: “Hard French is excited to bring together our favorite nightlife events to raise funds for Galeria de la Raza. In response to the vandalizing of the Por Vida mural, we want to raise

14 Aug 2015

Whitney Cummings : A Comedian You Should Know

Whitney Cummings is both hilarious and full of swagger. I first saw her perform at Shoreline in a lineup that consisted of comedy heavy weights like Louis CK and Jim Gaffigan. And she killed it, it’s not often you see someone in stilettos makes you laugh that hard, it’s a pretty deadly combination. She had that +20,000 crowd on the edges of there seats.

14 Aug 2015

Top 10 Worst Living Situations in San Francisco

“I used to live in a closet under the stairs! Years ago, I think I paid $400 for it. Doubt it would rent for that amount anymore….” – Kristi F.

“Are you Harry Potter?” – Jenny L.

14 Aug 2015

A Review of the Porn Documentary ‘Hot Girls Wanted’

Stella May and her mom are having the birth control talk. Stella is visiting home for the first time since she left Texas to do porn in Miami. She tells her mom she isn’t on the pill, but she is taking precautions, ‘Don’t worry, mom,’ she says, ‘The guy does it on you instead of in you.’

Cut-Rate Curmudgeon 0
13 Aug 2015

FREE Materials and Classroom Supplies for Bay Area Teachers

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, we can all agree that the people who are educating future generations of Americans don’t get paid enough money. On top of that, many of the schools they work for don’t have the money to furnish educators with all the supplies

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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