
19 Mar 2012

BA of the Week: Promoter KC Turner

Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit — probably not.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
15 Mar 2012

Broke-Ass Mom Buys a Baby Carrier

Last week my son and I hitched a ride to NYC on the coat tails of my husband’s business trip. My husband and I debated for days over whether to bring a stroller and a baby carrier or just the carrier.  We opted for just the baby carrier. The last

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
14 Mar 2012

DIY: Fix Up a Faux Fireplace

There’s a lot of stuff that gets me riled up – I am perhaps a bit of a hot head – however, on that long list are two words that when combined both infuriate and flabbergast me and those words are: decorative fireplace. Yes, seriously. Is there anything more useless?!

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
12 Mar 2012

Saved By the Bell: 40 Hours of Your Life You’ll Never Get Back

 Hey, did anyone really care about the guy that ran The Max?   If you are 35 and under, Saved By the Bell has played some part in your life. For better or worse. I mean, think about it. Did you ever think the show was good? No, it’s ridiculous.

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
09 Mar 2012

Making Decisions as a Broke-Ass Mom

Last week I received an interesting question that got me thinking: “In what world is a $500 stroller broke-ass?” Although it just so happens that a stroller is a lot cheaper than buying a car (the BOB is our car), and we also bought it used for $200 (in the

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
07 Mar 2012

Notes on a Nerd’s First Hardcore Show

Last weekend, I went to my first-ever hardcore show.  I was a serious geekazoid as a teenager, so I was too busy trying to get the high score on the next AP Bio test to buy black socks, become straightedge, and be in the throes of a steamy hardcore love

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
04 Mar 2012

A Broke-Ass Guide to Health and Wellness

Back in my early 30s living in New York, I subsisted on slices from the pizzeria downstairs, copious amounts of coffee, and wine. Fitness was simple…I belonged to no gym, but my workout consisted of running in some form or another: to the subway, from the subway, up and down

Nancy Roberts - Pennysaving Plume 0
02 Mar 2012

Just a Broke-Ass Mom and Her BOB

It was a typical Monday morning.  My two-year-old son and I were on our way to the Safeway about a mile from our home with our BOB stroller.  Thirty minutes and ninety dollars later we headed home with a gallon of milk, and three bags full of groceries.  As I

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0