
27 Oct 2021

Meet The Bats Of Golden Gate Park

The official winged mammal of the Halloween season is bats, and yes, there are bats in Golden Gate Park. In fact, there are 16 different kinds of bats in Golden Gate Park. “The Bay Area currently has 16 native species of bats,” according to the Golden Gate Parks National Conservancy.

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
07 Jul 2010

8 Great Dates Across America for Under $20

Dating Mistake Numero Uno: Spending the better part of a paycheck when you’re not even sure  he or she is gonna put out. Seriously. If you just dropped a few hundred dollars to impress someone and they don’t so much as feel you up through your clothes, it was a

Mikey Rox - Cut-Rate Copywriter 0