bay area activities

Petrified wood.
30 Oct 2023

This Ancient Forest in Sonoma is Rad as Hell

When I was a kid, my grandma would take me to the petrified forest museum in Vantage, Washington, out amongst the brown, dusty fields abutting the Columbia River Gorge. I was mystified — wood, but it’s rock. Over millions of years, the actual molecules inside the felled trees finds itself

04 Dec 2020

Top 50 Uniquely Covid-Safe in-the-flesh Things to Do in the Bay!

Businesses and artists have all had to get super creative in these trying times in order to stay afloat, so we at Broke-Ass Stuart have created this epic list : “Top 50 Uniquely Covid-Safe  In-the-flesh Things to Do In the Bay” so we can stay sane & safe amidst “

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