Soul Imperial at K&M
There’s a ton of “First Saturday” shit happening tomorrow, and while it’s all well and good to stand around in a museum listening to world music and drinking watered-down keg beer, why not do what you REALLY wanna do: get stupid drunk and dance with your friends? Catch the Soul
FREE Sonic Youth and Kurt Cobain Rock-umentary Screenings
I’ve never heard of the Oakland Underground Film Festival before today, but I guess that’s kind of the point, right? With the SF International Film Festival keeping all the local movie critics busy right now, it’s easy to overlook our friends in the East Bay. But tomorrow night the Pavilion
The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon
Once In A Lifetime – Survivors of The Atomic Bombs
Before recently, I was not aware that there are living survivors of the atomic bombs attacks during World War II. It wasn’t until the theatre company of which I am a part was asked to do a show using true stories from the survivors that I found out about these
Where NOT to go: Ben’s Pizzeria
Some of you peeplez out there in the Internet-ether may know that for a good long while I had quit dairy. The reasons why aren’t important because they’re boring to explain even for someone who loves to talk about themselves as much as I do. But I did quit. Cold
Party Like It’s 1886: Get Chicken Parmigiana for a Dime!
Think way back to that “dinner date” you had in high school with Sally Jenkins (or whoever). Do you remember how excited you both were that your parents let you borrow the Minivan to take her to the Olive Garden in the strip mall across from the Grande 16 Theater
‘Faux’ Show at the House of Yes
When I was in high school, I used to write down what I wore to school on my calendar. Every outfit. Every day. This routine continued for four years, all the way up until I won the best-dressed category during the senior superlatives. Sure, my regimen was extreme (I probably
McSweeney’s Issue 34 Release with FREE Food
Offices filled with industrious people who come in seven days a week, rain or shine, in sickness and in health, aren’t just a glowing example of a desperate job economy and job-loss fear. Offices filled with industrious people who come in seven days a week, rain or shine, in sickness
Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.
This is an excerpt from my NYC book Visiting the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. suddenly cheapened my entire childhood experience. Before that moment, I had thought that tying my blankey around my neck when I was a five year old and pretending I was Superman was cute and imaginative; now