Cat Brooks

How to Interrupt Domestic Violence Without Involving the Police
I learned a valuable lesson. Like thousands of other battered women of color have learned: The police made things worse and had the potential to be just as violent and potentially more deadly than my abuser.

Schaaf Disappoints ‘Defund’ Advocates in Tie-Breaking Vote Against OPD Budget Cuts
The world turned its attention to Oakland when Oscar Grant was murdered by a BART police officer in 2009. The Black Lives Matter movement would not formally organize for another four years, but Grant’s death sparked a national dialogue and amplified calls for police reform. In that way, Oakland is

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Oakland Budget Fight Is Not about Money, It’s about ‘Values’
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and team penned out how she thinks Oakland’s financial resources should be budgeted but City Council President Rebecca Kaplan and supporters have different ideas about where the city should, and shouldn’t, spend its cash. As the month-end deadline nears for the city to approve a 2019-2021

Elections Hit the Bay, Trump Hit the Russia Investigation, Another Shooting and a Man Who Should Not Be Forgotten
This is your special edition weekly news wrap for the Bay and beyond, bringing you local election results, the story of a man who should not be forgotten, some pretty important stories that popped up in the the last 24 hours and a couple ideas of how you can shake

Defending Oakland, Remembering Nia Wilson
There was nothing ordinary about Monday in Oakland, where anger and sadness, unity and violence converged. It was the senseless death of a young black woman. It was a community feeling threatened. It was different renditions of the same tired story the city is forced to tell, over and over

Families Belong Together: Protesters Outnumbered Inmates at Richmond Jail
Guest Post by Nevin Long Between 1,500 and 2,000 demonstrators amassed outside the West County Detention Facility in Richmond, California, Saturday as part of a national day of resistance against the Trump administration’s immigration policy. Their message was clear: families belong together. The rally capped off two weeks of intense

Oakland Mayor’s Race: The Evolution of Cat Brooks
Cat Brooks laughs a little when she says that Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf once had her arrested. Now she wants her job. Cat Brooks knows the city of Oakland. She was on the front lines with Black Lives Matter. She marched relentlessly through the streets to protest police brutality as

Bay Area News Roundup for January 11 – 18, 2018
Welcome to this week’s Bay Area News Roundup for January 11 – 18, 2018 Women will March across the globe Woman’s Marches all across the world are scheduled for the weekend of January 20-21. There are 8 major marches happening specifically in the Bay Area on January 20th. A list of