cheap dinner

How to make an awesome $10 Casserole that will feed you for 3 days!!
Are you cold, bored, broke, and lazy? Do you have a penchant for mid-century American cuisine? Do you live near a Safeway? If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, it might might be time for you to… MAKE A HUGE CASSEROLE FOR UNDER 10 BUCKS. Last

Sticks: Beware of Corny Dogs
There’s nothing more in the world that I love than a corn dog. That quintessentially, and some would say truly, American treat. So American that there’s even a nod to the national ownership in the film, Ratatouille. “What are corn dogs?” “Cheap sausages dipped in batter and deep fried. You know,

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Hiyaaa!: A karate chop to the wallet…
Hiyaaa! is either a popular truck, or I just got there too late. They were out of everything, and so I settled…was forced to settle on curry. But, that’s all right because I don’t know how many times I have said this, but curry is good. It’s one of those

OWFT: Get yo’ bubala on for under $10
About a year ago I saw a photo of a deconstructed Reuben of sorts. I thought it looked amazing and the concept was amazing. A few months ago, I found out it was the Old World Food Truck’s pop-up and I knew I had to get down on it. When

Ikea: Food and Furniture For Under $10…
Would it seem odd for someone to visit an establishment that was known for something other than food, just to eat? I’m not too proud to admit I’ve visited gas stations for BBQ and tacos. I’ve also frequented Ikea’s downstairs snack shack for $0.50 hot dogs. But, this time I

INSIDER INFO: Prix Fixe Menus at Andalu!
My best friend came into town for his birthday and decided a group of us would treat him to dinner at the very tasty but not-so-cheap Andalu. Naturally, I had a mini heart attack and considered severing all ties just so I wouldn’t risk facing the embarrassment of getting my