Cheap Eats

The Giglio Festival Comes to Williamsburg
Williamsburg in the summer seems to be an endless blend of celebrations. Whether it’s some sort of feast, carnival or literal mass taking place on the streets, the neighborhood gets bedecked in tinsel finery all season long. While Little Italy has their San Gennaro festival, last night kicked off the

Land Ho! Staten Island and New Asha
During sunsets, when tourists are in town, when you find yourself wanting something more, when you just want to drink on public transportation legally, there is a boat in the distance following the ray of light that trials along the water from Manhattan to Staten Island. My friend, that is

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Poor Man’s King Feast
My friend Matt showed me this restaurant a few years ago, back when I was really broke. That means, basically, living in a crawl space, surviving off food stamps and having little to no spending money. But the poor still need a few quality pastimes. For example: going to the

Brooklyn Cyclones: Baseball for Broke-Asses
No matter what sports team you like, you are definitely pissing other people off by liking them. I have been heckled on subways, streets and in Whole Foods for wearing my favorite team’s garb in NYC; I have doled it out also. BUT. I have found a magical sports loophole:

Eat Cheap for Charity with $1 Slices and More TONIGHT
GIMME PIZZAAAAA! P-I-Z-Z-A! Even the Olsen Twins can’t resist a good slice and tonight, just $1 will get you one from NYC’s most famous pizzerias at Slice Out Hunger. Lombardi’s, DiFara’s Artichoke, Grimaldi’s John’s of Bleeker, Joe’s, and more have joined together to raise money for City Harvest, New York’s

Good Coffee On The Borderlands At Barcey’s
It’s easy to just think of New York as a series of subway stops. After all, you go underground, everything’s the same, then you’re somewhere else- no real way to connect the larger world. However, despite popular belief, Brooklyn and Queens share a lot of unceremonious borderland. No rivers, waters,

Xi’an Famous Foods: It’s the Flavor that Matters
I don’t know about you, but I’d travel to the far ends of the earth for great foods. Like India for its curries, Morocco for its tagines, Spain for its tapas, Japan for its raw, well, everything, etc… Fortunately in NYC you only have to take a train to the

Learn to Locavore + FREE Refreshments
Knowing how to eat is all the rage these days. While once our ancestors were content to merely find something edible and then eat it, the infusion of science into our food has created various niche knowledge sets about comestibles that require some pretty dense reading. While we’ve all been