Dean Preston

05 Jul 2024

Why Mayor Breed’s Tenderloin Curfew Will Backfire

I, a Tenderloin resident, believe drug abuse and homelessness persist here because they make certain folks at City Hall very rich.  It’s the last reasonable explanation I can think of, since logistic operations at San Francisco City Hall unfailingly exacerbate them. If the humanitarian crises at the heart of SF

Jake Warren 0
26 Mar 2024

Dean Preston Fights To Get A Grocery Store In The Tenderloin

The Tenderloin is a densely populated neighborhood of roughly 25,000 residents. For many people down on their luck, the Tenderloin is one of the few communities in the Bay Area where they are allowed to exist. Yet despite the size of the neighborhood, the Tenderloin lacks what many more affluent

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
12 Dec 2023

When Is The Mainstream Media Going To Get Bored Of Hating San Francisco?

Every week I write articles and I do quick scans of recent news involving San Francisco, Oakland and California to see if I can gain enough inspiration to give my opinion on what’s happening in a way that isn’t boring to you, the reader.  I’ve noticed something. Every. Single. Fucking.

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
03 Oct 2023

What Bumping Into Dean Preston & Elon Musk Made Me Realize About San Francisco

For a bustling metropolitan city filled with tourists, billionaires and bullshit; San Francisco certainly feels like a small town sitting somewhere on the edge of sanity. The place just doesn’t feel real. Where else in the country does a casual stroll allow you to cross paths with one of the

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
26 Sep 2023

Elon Musk Vows To Intervene In San Francisco’s Local Elections

I don’t want to endorse anyone in Bay Area politics because the reality of political life in the Bay is this: most politicians in the region have a bad habit of pursuing legislative priorities that veer far away from the campaign rhetoric that was utilized to get them elected. Regardless

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
17 May 2023

Small Business is Thriving in Neighborhoods Under SF’s Only Socialist Supervisor

What the Chronicle termed the Downtown “doom loop” has been getting national coverage, but here’s a compelling counterpoint – three of San Francisco’s neighborhood commercial corridors: Haight-Ashbury, Hayes Valley and Japantown, all in Democratic Socialist Supervisor Dean Preston’s District 5, are actually thriving. This is not in spite of him being a socialist Supervisor, but because of the corridors’ close partnership with him.

Guest Writer 0
16 Jun 2021

Supervisors Approve A Public Bank For San Francisco

San Francisco has a $13 billion annual budget, but we don’t actually have that money. Bank of freaking America has that money, which they reinvest in bombs, prisons, fossil fuels, and exploitation of the working class to create endless shareholder profits. Here’s Jackie Fielder to explain how fucked up the

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
03 Feb 2021

SF May Take On Lyft With A City-Owned Bikeshare Program

Bikeshares in urban areas can be a great thing — but not when they’re run by Lyft or the Ford Motor Company, when they catch on fire mid-ride, or when the company running them sues San Francisco for threatening their monopoly status. But that’s what we have right now with

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0