
18 Jun 2015

How to Drink Soda without Being an Asshole

Ashley Lauren is the founder of Kinda Kind with Ashley Lauren, a brand focused on making kindness badass –  follow along at her Facebook page.  Make Better ‘Bad’ Decisions: Soda No one actually thinks that drinking soda or ‘pop‘ as I proudly call it, is good for you. It’s full

16 Mar 2015

10 Water Saving Tips That Will Also Save You Money

I’m from a country where water saving technologies have been in place for as long as I’ve stood on that barren, sunburned land. Duel flush toilets, low-flow shower-heads and water harvesting technologies were not part of drought interventions but just a way of life. As progressive as San Francisco and

Lachlan Bray - Broke-Ass Bartender 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
19 Aug 2014

In Defense of Litter: Why I Litter and Why You Should Shut Up About It

Some of you will instinctively reject my premise and probably me, personally, for being enough of an asshole to express it. But I must say it. In my estimation, the most ethical thing you can do when holding a piece of your personal trash is to simply relax your grip.

24 Jun 2013

Free in NYC: Compost

If you’re monitoring your grocery bills as closely as I am (ok, I admit it, I have no idea how to do this), you probably feel the same sense of pain when you’re forced to throw away a bag of spinach that’s turned brown or a pack of blueberries that mysteriously turned fuzzy.  The

Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva 0
07 Dec 2011

Volunteer Night: Recycle-A-Bicycle

It’s Wednesday and you need something to do. You could go drink dollar beers at Turtle Bay and possibly get an STD… OR you could do something good like help out with Recycle-A-Bicycle. Recycle-A-Bicycle is a community based bike shop that benefits NYC youth. On average RAB salvages 1,200 bikes

Quincey Trigillo - Judicious Journalist 0
18 Aug 2010

Waste Not/Spend Less with SnapGoods

After 27+ years of experimentation, I have recently concluded that I am a jack of all trades, master of none. Unfortunately this has left me with an enormous array of “things I thought I was finally going to be the master of but nope… nope, not so great at that

Jill S. 0
20 Apr 2010

How to be a Greener Broke-Ass

Sorry to say, this is not a how-to on becoming richer or increasing the amount of green in your wallet, though if anyone has any of those tips, feel free to send them my way. In honor of Earth Day (which is this Thursday, April 22nd in case you don’t

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
10 Mar 2010

Kill a Tree Tonight, Plant One Tomorrow

Sure, I spend a lot of time writing about food, my feelings and the dog from my favorite commercial ever, but buried deep in the recesses of my brain, there’s a bestseller brewing.  I can feel it.  A real page-turner about a sassy, twenty-something broke-ass who works in cafes all

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0