
How an SF Zumba® Instructor is Helping Folks Reinvigorate Their Lives
“I was getting a divorce when I started and Zumba® took me out of a great depression I had. Zumba® took my mind off it. So now, when I teach my classes, I tell my students what I went through and how it can help one’s mental health”

How to Get Fit When You’re Broke (or in Prison)
Summer’s just around the corner. If you live somewhere other than foggy, body-positive San Francisco, that means beach weather and the pressure to do something about your muffin-top or chicken-legs or man-boobs. If fitness isn’t already a part of your life, you might think a gym is the only place

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

5 Things to Do to Stay Fit on a Budget in NYC
Photo from It’s easy to see why people think you need to be rich in order to be healthy. Whole Foods is more expensive than McDonald’s. Bally’s Total Fitness costs a hell of a lot more than say, sitting on the couch and shoveling potato chips in your mouth.

Broke-Ass Confessions: I Like Williamsburg
I write about Williamsburg a lot and that’s because I live here. I’m coming up on my one-year anniversary, in fact. But I’ll admit it. I was kind of hatin’ on my own neighborhood for a while. When you’re not snobby about music and could care less about owning a

FREE Fitness in NYC: Now Shameless!
Quick quiz for my ladies: Your idea of working out most resembles: A) Fergie in – what else – her “Fergalicious” music video B) Hannah jogging – er, attempting to jog – in Girls C) Kristin Wiig and Maya Rudolph’s characters in “Bridesmaids” You probably answered “C” because you’re reading

New Year’s Resolutions I Wish I Could Keep
The New Year brings an opportunity to start fresh, say goodbye to bad habits and become an overall better person. I thought of a few things I’d like to give up in 2013, but only time will tell how long it will take for me to break these resolutions. Instead

Going to the Gym is Awkward
My Facebook and Twitter feeds are constantly flooded with updates about going to the gym. Part of me feels like being a smart-ass and asking, “If you don’t post about going to the gym, did it not happen?” Personally, while these people are advertising to the world that they’re sweating

A Runner’s Guide to NYC Bridges
I’ve already written about the benefits (most of which include getting laid, but also that it’s FREE) of running outside instead of in a gym – so obviously we’ve come to a juncture where you are quite convinced about that necessity but unsure of where to start. Right? Good. I