
19 Oct 2011

The Real Deal: Chris Carlsson’s San Francisco Bike Tours

Maybe the high school field trip memories are fresher for us, but I think it’s safe to say that organized tours aren’t really any young person’s thing. I remember visiting a water treatment center with my science class in 9th grade and asking a worker what the grossest thing he

07 Aug 2011

Little Luxuries: the CSA Box

Does receiving a weekly box of organic produce seem like an incredibly bourgeois practice? Of course it does. But that doesn’t mean the broke asses of the world can’t do it, too. CSA, or community-supported agriculture, is a beneficial relationship between farmers and consumers that results in an allotment of

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
10 Jul 2024

This New Literary Magazine is a Gift to the People of San Francisco

I’ve got some awesome news! We received a grant from the Civic Joy Fund to put out a literary magazine celebrating SF and acting to counter the stupid “Doom Loop” narrative. It’s a gift to the people of San Francisco. And after months of working on this project it’s now available

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 Jul 2011

Phono del Sol: FREE Music and Food Festival

Get your broke-ass down to Potrero del Sol Park this Saturday, July 16th for the 1st ever Phono del Sol – a unique experience where music meets food. This FREE festival is all-ages and runs from12-6pm. You can snack and dance and mingle all at the same time in while

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
14 Jun 2011

Breaking: Sports and Alcohol DO Mix

Do you like sports? Did you enjoy watching the Miami Heat lose? Do you have no idea what I’m talking about but enjoy FREE food and drinks? Then San Francisco Professional Career Network‘s social tonight at the Potrero Hill Sports Basement is for you! Sports Basement is offering FREE beer,

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
06 Jun 2011

Good Coffee On The Borderlands At Barcey’s

It’s easy to just think of New York as a series of subway stops. After all, you go underground, everything’s the same, then you’re somewhere else- no real way to connect the larger world. However, despite popular belief, Brooklyn and Queens share a lot of unceremonious borderland. No rivers, waters,

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
06 Jun 2011

How to Dine out for Less

I like to cook, but I find that it’s occasionally worth it to pay someone else to do it for me. I’m talking about dining out, people, living in style. But those costs can add up, and restaurants trick you into spending more (hey, they’re businesses). Here are some ways

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
01 Jun 2011

Learn to Locavore + FREE Refreshments

Knowing how to eat is all the rage these days. While once our ancestors were content to merely find something edible and then eat it, the infusion of science into our food has created various niche knowledge sets about comestibles that require some pretty dense reading. While we’ve all been

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
01 Jun 2011

Variety Cafe Lives Up To Name, With Some Cheapo Bonuses

So you’re in midtown. Whoops. Perhaps you need some crazy diamonds, or you’re praying to some pagan god for discount Book of Mormon tickets, or you just took a wrong turn in Hell’s Kitchen. No matter what way you slice it, the homogeneity of the landscape is dulling to the

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0