
03 Jan 2023

Clear Lake Volcano More Active Than Previously Thought

In June I wrote about the threat to San Francisco posed by Mount Konocti, specifically the Clear Lake Volcanic Field. People seem to have forgotten the volcano, I lamented. Our earthquakes, landslides, and wildfires tend to overshadow California’s windows to the furnace churning beneath our feet. Scientists previously estimated the

Jake Warren 0
30 Nov 2022

Mauna Loa Ends Thirty-Eight-Year Silence

After months of seismic unrest, Hawai’i’s largest volcano Mauna Loa began erupting.  At 11:30 PM Sunday evening, the floor of Moku‘āweoweo, Mauna Loa’s enormous caldera, split open. Lava soon flooded the crater and spilled out on the mountain’s broad, rocky slopes. Scientists familiar with the truly massive volcano (33,500+ feet

Jake Warren 0