go green

24 Jun 2013

Free in NYC: Compost

If you’re monitoring your grocery bills as closely as I am (ok, I admit it, I have no idea how to do this), you probably feel the same sense of pain when you’re forced to throw away a bag of spinach that’s turned brown or a pack of blueberries that mysteriously turned fuzzy.  The

Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva 0
19 Dec 2009

DIY Diva: Tips for Broke-Ass Holiday Entertaining

Heyo – the DIY Diva here!  Let’s just cut right to the Christmas-chase here… holiday parties are a fuckload of what is awesome about the holiday season. When one is a broke-ass it is quite tempting (or practical) to put an ixnay-on-the-artaypay in an effort to save money. It is

Kate Kotler - DIY Diva 0