
25 Sep 2015

30 Days Micro-Dosing with LSD

“Now I understand why all the flower children from the ’60s eventually sold out,  bought houses and watch Fox News.” That’s a snippet from my journal entry on day ten of my experiment. The experiment in question is micro dosing with LSD—that is, ingesting a tiny dose of lysergic acid diethylamide every

Dan Nazarian - Uninformed Informant 0
13 Jul 2015

Where to Get Naked In San Francisco

It’s a funny thing—the places in the world with the hottest weather are also the most intolerant of nudity. Try flashing a nipple in Latin America and look around for some nods (nods of “you’re about to die”). Show some cheek in the Arab world and see how many friends you

Dan Nazarian - Uninformed Informant 0