
14 Sep 2011

Fall Fashion on a Budget: Dress Like a Cool Schoolgirl

 Here in New York, temperatures have dropped from unbearably hot to only slightly sweltering.  Unexpected rainy days make me yell curses when I accidentally step in puddles that fill my jelly sandals with water.  Obnoxious kids in school uniforms have suddenly appeared on the train that I take to work,

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
16 Jan 2010

DIY Diva: Fascinating Fascinators

Heyo – the DIY Diva here!  Happy 2010 fifteen days late, yo.  Sorry for the delay in a column in this new year!!  I was down for the count with first the stomach flu, then there were issues w/my computer… it’s been a little janky over here in my corner

Kate Kotler - DIY Diva 0