housing crisis

Plans Submitted for Another SF Skyline-Altering Skyscraper
Who would like another shiny skyscraper offsetting San Francisco’s skyline? Apparently, project developer Crescent Heights does. The Florida-based company’s plans for a 65-story skyscraper feel like another ploy to fleece profit from San Francisco. If built to specs, 10 South Van Ness would be the city’s fifth-tallest building. Here’s

Garret Doty Acquitted In Marina District Pipe Beating Case
Violent crime is rarely random. Despite this, media organizations often depict acts of violence out of context in order to scare the general population and ultimately drive traffic to their respective sites and use whatever happened as a way to bolster their political objectives. The case of Garret Doty is

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

San Francisco Business Owners Suffered Due To APEC
I regularly, and loudly point out the hypocrisy in San Francisco on a daily basis, but there are times where I am surprised at just how shitty the political class of the City can be. The APEC conference undoubtedly had its benefits for the city, with increased tourism and a

Landmark Study Finds Poverty is Primary Cause of Homelessness in California
California’s homelessness crisis is a homegrown problem that is deepening amid a shortage of affordable housing and emergency shelter, and it’s often the brutal conditions of living on the street that trigger behavioral health problems, such as depression and anxiety, researchers found in a comprehensive study on homelessness.

Can The Drought Teach Us About San Francisco’s Housing Crisis?
I’m sure you’ve seen the weather lately. It’s been raining on and off since mid-November. Soaking rains washed over the Bay Area these past couple weekends, reminiscent of wet seasons past. Forecasters say another storm system should move in this Friday. It is hoped this seemingly plentiful rainfall will reduce

For Some, the Choice Is RV Dwelling or the Street
With people struggling to survive in the Bay Area, more and more have turned to living in vehicles, RVs or cars, but many cities are turning them away. Poverty is unattractive to the fortunate few who can afford mortgages or soaring rent. Tech bros don’t want the inconvenience of stepping

100,000 Homes Sit Empty in the San Francisco Bay Area
For those struggling to make it in such an expensive market, the figure’s shocking.

mySight: FInally, a tech solution to San Francisco’s homelessness problem
Guest post by Chad McDingleberry: Chief Visionary of mySight San Francisco, you’re far too beautiful for the depressing and uncomfortable blight of homelessness. Tents blocking the path of my scooter? Rude. Human feces on the street? Blech. Death and addiction at our doorsteps? Gross. People keep throwing ideas and solutions around that