
22 Aug 2023

Can IKEA Save Downtown San Francisco?

I’m bored of writing about this, but here we go again. Downtown San Francisco is experiencing high retail vacancy rates because rich people are scared of people on drugs. That’s why they attend things like Burning Man, to get away from drug addicts – well, at least the poor ones. 

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
19 Feb 2018

Ten East Bay Outings for Antisocial Parents

Guest post by Jordan Latham A lot of us who were nonconformist kids, the kind who gravitated toward the weirdos, are no less antisocial as adults. We learn to carve out spaces we’re comfortable with and pointedly avoid loud, crowded, neon, intrusive social situations. We find the safe, dark, gothy

Guest Writer 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
13 Aug 2012

Ikea: Food and Furniture For Under $10…

Would it seem odd for someone to visit an establishment that was known for something other than food, just to eat? I’m not too proud to admit I’ve visited gas stations for BBQ and tacos. I’ve also frequented Ikea’s downstairs snack shack for $0.50 hot dogs. But, this time I

illyannam 0
11 May 2012

BA of the Week: Alexandra Naughton

Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit — probably not.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
05 Sep 2011

When Is IKEA Not Your Friend? When You’re Furnishing a One-month Sublet

In hindsight, I believe the logic used to implement this idea went like this: “I am a cheapskate who wants to explore NYC, but I’m deathly scared of bedbugs. No furniture equals no hidden places that those darn cretins can hide.” This is a valid concern since bedbugs are known

Patricia Serrano - Destitute Diva 0
28 Aug 2011

The Unemployment Chronicles: Vol. III

Hello again, followers of my unemployment adventures. Thanks for stopping by. I’m doing my best not to go apeshit right here, right now, as I am starting to freak out about not having a job yet. I’ve sent out damn near 50 resumes and applications, and I’ve had no bites.

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
21 Jun 2011

Pre-Moving To NYC Advice I Never Got

Jessica and Heidi’s respective pre-college and post-college guides got me thinkin’ about the time I made one of the biggest transitions in my life: moving from Southern California to New York. In between that time, I studied abroad in Italy, which was actually sort of a nice way to get

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
17 May 2011

Tee hee…Meatballs. For Cheap! At Ikea!

Considering the name of this blog, I’m taking a stab in the dark and assuming you’re no stranger to the model rooms and big blue bags that accompany a trip to Ikea. In fact, considering your roommates an ass hole and jumped on your bed, breaking the frame, you probably

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0