
30 Jun 2018

Federal Government Threatened to put Detainment Camp in Concord. The City Fought Back

They say the city of Concord is “Where Families Come First”. This past week put that commitment to the test. It was June 22 when Time published a story that rocked the city and surrounding Bay Area with news that the U.S. Department of the Navy was considering a detainment

22 May 2013

Free Birthday Party for Harvey at the Lookout 05/22

Yep, eighty-three years ago today, Harvey Bernard Milk was born in Woodmere, Long Island, New York.  Although he had a successful career on Wall Street, it wasn’t until he gave it all up to join the hippies and move out to San Francisco, that he found his true happiness and

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0