james comey

07 Jun 2017

James Comey Testimony Bingo and Drinking Game

Russiagate bombshells galore are getting ready to go boom, as fired FBI Director James Comey is about to give his first congressional testimony. We’ve got your Comey testimony bingo (FBI-NGO?) and Comey testimony drinking game for a gavel-to-gavel gigglegate that will have you Comeying in your pants. Both real news

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
09 Mar 2017

SXSW is BullSX!T

SXSW jumped the shark long ago, so be glad you’re not attending the Doritos-sponsored Spring Break for corporate America that’s getting underway in Austin, Texas. SWSW calls itself a “music, film, and interactive festival”. What in the Hello Fresh is an “interactive festival”? It’s where the normally cool city of

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0