kinky salon

How to Get a High Fashion Face Mask, Or Make A Mask Yourself
Wearing a mask is now mandatory in San Francisco. “Starting today, people in San Francisco are required to wear face coverings at essential businesses, in public facilities, on transit, and while performing essential work,” Mayor London Breed said in a Friday afternoon announcement. This creates an instant demand for homemade

How To Watch The Hunky Jesus Contest Online And Other Rad Livestreams
The Hunky Jesus Contest is happening live online for Easter Sunday, and a whole bunch of your other favorite weekly events and parties are providing online streaming alternatives too. There are gobs of Bay Area artists creating awesome streaming content and putting on shows this weekend, we’ve listed a shit-ton

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Polly Superstar Talks About Having Sex in Front of Your Friends on The Kinda Late Show
Here is our enlightening and funny interview with the lovely Polly Superstar, author and founder of Kinky Salon. In it we discuss sex parties, her new book, and fucking in front of your friends! Enjoy! If you dig this make sure to subscribe to our youtube channel so you can watch the

‘Polly: Sex Culture Revolutionary’ memoir launches with a bang Sunday at CSC
The newly released book “Polly” is a true ‘memoir for the boudoir’, detailing the fast times, debauched morals and life story of Kinky Salon and the creative superstar behind San Francisco’s favorite and longest-lasting sex party. The book rolls out Sunday night at the Center for Sex and Culture event Sex

‘Kinky Salon’ Brings Adult Play Party to New York TONIGHT!
It’s gonna get freaky at a Freaky Friday sexy play party in Crown Heights tonight! Kinky Salon, the acclaimed counterculture sex party recently featured in The Atlantic and in Dan Savage’s ‘Savage Love’ column, takes New York tonight with a spooky-sexy theme party called The Bewitching. Costumes will be mandatory, you’ll