Landlord is Selling

23 Oct 2018

SF Couple Keep Rent Controlled Apt. by Doing ‘Weekend at Bernies’ with Dead Roommate

San Francisco residents Rachel Smith and Shawna White were struck by tragedy this September when their roommate Ramon suddenly died from a heart attack. “When we realized he was the only name on our lease and that we were going to lose our rent control, that was when the real tears started.”

14 Sep 2017

Ask a Tenant Attorney: What Tenants Need to Know When their Landlord is Selling their Building – PART 2

Ask a Tenant Attorney is your chance to learn how to survive as a tenant in San Francisco. Each month Tenant’s Rights Attorney Daniel Wayne addresses a different issue for residential tenants. This month: A continuation of last month’s post on Common Questions When Your Landlord Is Selling Your Building. For more information about Daniel