menstrual cycle

16 Jul 2021

A Certified Aromatherapist Talks Some “Scents” into the Bay Area

Hi and welcome to the BAS Wellness Column! My name is Erynne Elkins and I’m a Well-Being Advocate and Certified Breathwork Facilitator. Every Friday I’ll share a holistic wellness modality available here in the Bay Area. Cheers to good health! How an Aromatic Lifestyle Makes More “Scents” Remember scratch-and-sniff stickers?

Erynne Elkins Chief Well-being Correspondent 0
11 May 2021

Anti-Vaxxers Turn to Masks for Protection From Vaccinated People

Anti-vaxxers are taking things to a new extreme, with many suggesting they adopt mask and social distancing methods to protect themselves against…wait for it…other vaccinated people.   If vaccinated people cause you more fear than the virus itself, you might be trapped in the conspiracy Q-hole.  While still in the development