
18 Sep 2015

The California Burrito Dispute and Why Arguing About Food is Dumb

Off Menu Screed: Two distinct camps: those who champion the Mission Burrito and them who wave the flag for the San Diego version

Fatt Mink 0
17 Sep 2015

Raise Your Glass & Some Funds For Stuart & Tom This Saturday!

The lovers, the dreamers and thee.  Yes, they still exist in San Francisco and this Saturday you have the chance to mix among them once again and remember why you chose to sit on that dock of the bay. This past week was Citizenship Day and also in,1859, the day that

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
02 Dec 2024

The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!

As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. BrokeAssStuart.com wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
08 Sep 2015

The Man Who Decides The ‘Best Restaurant’ In America

Bon Appetit’s ‘best new restaurant in America’ is right here in San Francisco. Here’s who is making that decision for so-called ‘trendiest, most on point, up-to-date food magazines’

Lachlan Bray - Broke-Ass Bartender 0
03 Sep 2015

Broke- Asses of the Week: Los Osos Amorosos (Performing TONIGHT ONLY)

Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit — probably not. Wanna be a Broke-Ass of the Week? Holler at us here and we’ll send you the questionnaire.   Ah,

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
03 Sep 2015

The Best Donald Trump Pinatas in SF, Ranked

Not all Donald Trump pinatas are created equal. The Donald Trump pinatas in the SF Mission District vary greatly in size, price and artistic integrity. A Broke-Ass Stuart Broke-Team investigative report (consisting of us looking and asking in every pinata-selling establishment on all 58 blocks of Mission Street) lists every

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
28 Aug 2015

¡Miercoles Gigante!- Snapshots From Galería de la Raza Fundraiser

Few nights have been as warm, gorgeous and amazing as the fundraiser that Hard French threw for the Galería de la Raza this past August 19th, ¡Miercoles Gigante!  Persia slayed as emcee and Executive Director Ani Rivera brought on a few teardrops with her heartfelt thanks and impassioned words on

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
06 Aug 2015

The Nite Owl: Taquería Vallarta, No. 2

We’ve had a lot of these nights as of late, where warm days unfold into breezy, not-quite cold nights, the familiar summertime fog scattering to the burning plains in the east. My button-down is wet down my back and under my arms with the usual accompanying fragrance as I hustle

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
03 Aug 2015

Startups Hold ‘Clean Dolores Park Day’…But Did Anyone Show Up?

On Sunday, August 2, the San Francisco tech community attempted to make amends for the disastrous press they received last week from the mess left behind during a startup’s confetti filled party at Dolores Park. The official Facebook event was titled, ‘Startups Clean Dolores Park, and was intended for those within the

David Sikorski 0