mozilla firefox

Yes, Big Tech is Too Powerful AND De-Platforming Trump Was Still the Right Move
For the past month, people of the world have woken up every day, slapped their fingers onto their smartphones to silence their morning alarms, unlocked their devices, and scrolled through their social media feeds. And what has been missing the entire time? A single word from former President Donald Trump.

What Are the Best Meditation Apps & Do They Actually Work?
In 2020, “rest” isn’t restful. Your vaccine appointment is months away, your paycheck depends on either avoiding the coronavirus or surviving the next round of layoffs, and your parents will absolutely not stop singing in their 35-person, indoor church choir every week.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

What is 5G and Why are People Linking it to Coronavirus?
Let’s take a brief look at what 5G technology actually is, and more importantly, how an emerging technology and a global pandemic created ripe conditions for new conspiracies.

How to Know What Crowdfunding Campaigns and Platforms to Trust
The world of online donations is enormous and, for many of us, confusing. There are not only crowdfunding scams, but whole platforms that might take a huge chunk of your donation. Here are some tips to safely pledge commitment and donate online:

How to Make Sure Your Vote is Counted in These Broken times
Here’s how voting will work this year, during the pandemic. And here’s how the Internet can help you get it done.

How to Tell if a Company Really Supports BLM
To get a clearer picture on whether a company actually supports BLM, or just engages in opportunist window-dressing, you can take any and all of the following steps:

How to Spot – and NOT Share – Fake News Online
We’re fewer than five months away from a presidential election, three months into lockdown to limit the spread of coronavirus, and weeks into protesting the killing of George Floyd by a now-former police officer, which all adds up to a perfect storm for misinformation.

Why Is Mike Bloomberg Texting Me and How the F#@! Did He Get My Number? An Analysis
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. Billionaire presidential candidate and