open mic

The 16th & Mission Open Mic Celebrates 20 Years w/ Anthology & More!
Twenty years ago a circle of chalk was drawn, on the concrete, in front of the 16th Street Mission BART station. To what purpose was this chalk circle? A ritual of recognition? A demarcation of special space? A making important, via a specific corner, that which is too often disregarded? Well folks, it

How to Tell A Killer Open Mic Story
A former producer of The Moth gives advice on how to get up on stage and tell a great story

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Your Work is Worth Something, Get Paid for your Side Hustle
By Rachel Fogletto In the world of art and entertainment many of us find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of constantly getting asked to work for free. Most of my experience with this is in comedy, which unless you’re nationally famous, people still think is not “real” work, even when

Open Mic Night Among the Broken
Cynthia had never been to the Noc Noc before, and had to admit it was a great bar just by sight alone – the strange and darkly cavernous interior inspiring a sense that anything is possible.
“Hey you two!” a complete stranger said, heading out as we were walking in. “Do you want to sit by the fireplace? Two spots just opened up!”

The Homeless Comedian
I’ve been doing stand up comedy for about a year now. Plus or minus a few months due to time abroad. But I was totally still writing that entire time and being hilarious, in general. During my time in the New York that was before, as in pre-March, I had

Share Your Story at The Moth StorySLAM at Housing Works on Tuesday
If your idea of a fun night is standing on stage while people judge you, then head to The Moth StorySLAM at Housing Works on Tuesday night. StorySLAM is like a poetry slam without all the verses, just plain old funny, tragic, ironic human stories. Here’s how it works: Anyone

Music, Live Painting, and an Open Mic at Space Gallery Tonight
Truthfully, I have no idea what this party is gonna be like, but it sounds like it has the possibility to be cool. The flyer above and this is pretty much all that was sent to me: Featured Writers: Tracy Jones April Wolfe Steven Gray Charlie Getter Glynn Washington host