punk rock

02 Feb 2023

Fred Armisen’s Comedy for Bass Players (but Everyone is Welcome)

I don’t think Fred Armisen needs an introduction, but for journalism purposes here it goes: he is one of the funniest people alive! He did SNL. Portlandia, Documentary Now!, Los Espookys and was recently on Wednesday besides many other great shows. One of my very favorites is his Netflix special:

Patricia Colli 0
07 Mar 2022

When Old Punks Go Racist

Punks and musicians are people, so they get old, their opinions get dumber and more calcified, and they mistake change for disintegration, at the same rate as the societies in which they operate. But it’s still sadder than when it happens to your dad. 

Guest Writer 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
09 Nov 2021

Lagwagon Blazing at Bottom of the Hill

It was so cool to see them at a small and storied venue like Bottom of the Hill instead of a major festival ’cause nothing compares to watching a punk rock concert indoors with a great sound system.

Patricia Colli 0
09 Jul 2019

UK Punks Pro-Immigrant Anthem is Beautiful

There are punks on the other side of the pond, with a pro-immigrant, progressive message, and they happen to be fantastic to watch live. The Bristol band Idles exude a ton of charisma when they perform, watch as the lead singer is overwhelmed on stage, while the guitarist walks on

12 Jul 2018

Stray- A Punk Rock Musical About Teenage Runaways and BDSM

When Tanya Marquardt was 16 she was a runaway, modeling fetish clothing at underground BDSM parties.

Joe DeLong - NYC Editor 0
04 May 2018

Ten Years of Radical Thought and Punk Rock : PM Press

the image of a book vendor selling essay collections on political theory some 30 feet away from a seething mosh pit cuts a sharp juxtaposition. As weird as it may first appear, though, it does make a lot of sense when you think about it. Punk as a movement was and is rooted in radical thought and action

Guest Writer 0
26 Apr 2018

Punk, Drag, & Christian Death, A Legacy

By Jillian Roberston Drag icon RuPaul once said, “Drag is punk rock. It’s a big FU to the status quo.” Long before RuPaul’s Drag Race became a global phenomenon, a punk rock musician in Los Angeles was taking that sentiment literally. Rozz Williams, creator of 80s punk rock band Christian

Guest Writer 0
18 Jul 2017

Punks With Lunch Keep Serving It Up In Oakland

Meet the punks in Oakland who make lunch for the homeless, do needle pick-ups, & gather harm reduction data. We sat down with Alejandra, founder of Punks With Lunch, to discuss what they are up to, how to start your own Punks With Lunch, and how the City is not practicing what it preaches in its new program to address homelessness.

Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets 0