san francisco nightlife

Why San Francisco Needs a Gay Bathhouse
I made a new friend recently. He just moved here from New York. Having tried to visit the Eagle but finding it closed, he texted me one evening. “Does SF close down at like, 11pm? I’m used to NYC where we don’t even start going out until then.” Oh honey.

Amado’s in the Mission is Closing
Amado’s, the much loved underground music venue, bar, and restaurant on Valencia Street in the Mission District, is closing. Owner David Quinby told Mission Local this week that Amado’s was closing due to dwindling sales, which he blamed on the Valencia center bike lane. Quinby cited demands from the San

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Dope Halloween Ish We’re Doin’
Halloween is a holiday tailor-made for San Franciscans. It’s a celebration that gives adults a perfectly good excuse to wear costumes and go to several nights of parties, with the added bonus of making the conservatives nervous. Just because SF has the lowest percentage of kids of any major U.S. city,

San Francisco Bar Culture is History
By Curt Hopkins It took us until our second tenure in San Francisco to figure out how to eat in the city. Here you flee from fancy food like from a rural outhouse. Fancy food in San Francisco is overhyped, overpriced, and overcooked. Like Jonathan Gold advised Angelenos, it’s best