the boring company

28 May 2019

BART Trolls Elon Musk on Twitter, A Nerd Fight Ensues

Elon Musk tweeted about his vision for a subterranean superhighway, currently being worked on by his ‘Boring Company’ in Los Angeles. Musk’s tweet soon came under a hail of Twitter fire (shocker), from people who clearly didn’t read his FAQ.  One of the trollers was our beloved Bay Area Rapid

05 Sep 2017

Elon Musk’s New Hyperloop Train Just Went 220 MPH, The Vid is Intense

Elon Musk’s ‘Hyperloop’ project is s high-speed ‘train’ that hopes to eventually replace America’s old (and extremely slow) rail system.  Initially Musk talked about the Hyperloop trains going 700 MPH, and getting passengers from LA to SF in under 30 minutes.  But currently the train cars in his ‘test tube’