
05 Aug 2022

The Most Ridiculous Reasons For Stiffing Your Server

If the service is good, it deserves tip and none of these excuses justifies not leaving one.

Bitchy Waiter 0
18 May 2022

Stop Blaming Servers for Restaurant Prices!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last several months, you probably know that inflation in our country is at it’s highest point since 1982. Seriously, the last time inflation hit this hard, Olivia Newton-John was singing about Jazzercise and E.T. was phoning home about it. Prices are

Bitchy Waiter 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
15 Sep 2021

Want Separate Checks at the Restaurant? Here’s the Deal.

I’ve got a dirty little secret and it’s an unpopular opinion for most servers to have: I am a fan of separate checks. Let me clarify. As a server, I’ve had several credit cards tossed in my general direction at the end of service with customers assuming I have kept

Bitchy Waiter 0
30 Jun 2021

Is It Ever Okay To Leave a Bad Tip?

  What you are about to read may be seen as controversial seeing that I always stand up for the restaurant server. I preach that’s it’s important to think about things from the perspective of the person who is serving your food and to have patience, empathy and understanding and

Bitchy Waiter 0
23 Jun 2021

Waitress Assaulted and Abducted by Five Dine and Dashers

A 20-year-old waitress this weekend was abducted and assaulted after chasing a group of five diners who were allegedly skipping out on their $70 check. The horrifying incident happened Saturday night at Nifty Fifty’s in Turnersville, about 20 miles southeast of Philadelphia. “They pulled her into the vehicle and assaulted

Bitchy Waiter 0
10 Mar 2021

Should Tipping Your Server Be Eliminated?

Every customer who goes into a restaurant and chooses to not leave a tip for their server has a reason for doing so. Maybe the service didn’t live up to their expectations. Maybe the food wasn’t to their liking. Or maybe they feel that a server’s income should be the

Bitchy Waiter 0
How To Tip During a Pandemic
03 Feb 2021

How To Tip During a Pandemic

Here we are heading into a full year of living during a pandemic and there are still so many situations we don’t quite know how to navigate. Things are ever-evolving when it comes to dealing with Covid and each day presents a new challenge. Just when we finally get used

Bitchy Waiter 0
16 Dec 2020

4 Ways To Actually Help Your Struggling Local Restaurant

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to decimate our country, small businesses and restaurants are taking the brunt of the devastation. Well, other than the 300,000 lives lost to the virus. Over 110,000 restaurants have closed either permanently or long-term since the health crisis began and with indoor dining shutting down

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