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All the Bay Area Protests, Safe Spaces & Fundraisers on Inauguration Day

Updated: Jan 18, 2017 09:34
The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Friday January 20th is going to be a rough day for a lot of us. The only bright side is the inauguration is happening at 9am Pacific time so you always have to option to just sleep through it… if you can. Its been pretty well established that PEOTUS is obsessed with television rating so I will not be giving him the satisfaction of watching it live and will stick to reading about it later. Much like election day, I expect people to have a range of emotions, from disbelief, anger, sadness and fear. Luckily there are a wide range of activities happening on January 20th, including protests, safe spaces and fundraisers and I’m rounding up all of them. As always, let me know if I’ve missed anything and be sure to join in one of the Bay Area Women’s Marches happening on Saturday January 21st.

Self Care/Spirituality/Performances

  • A Day of Art & Resistance 9am-9pm Wicked Grounds Cafe, SF. we want to ensure that those in our community who need it most will continue to have a space space every day of the year. *All staff will have the day off. * We will not accept money of any kind. * We will have “Support Coffees” and teas available for free throughout the day for as long as supplies last. We encourage a day of rabble rousing, activism, planning, artwork, magic-making, and otherwise building community. We will have art supplies on hand.
  • Bridge Together Golden Gate 10am-12pm Golden Gate Bridge Form the first human chain across the entire Golden Gate Bridge (and beyond), as a collaborative, grassroots, community-based demonstration and performance art piece. We will celebrate unity and love in the face of divisiveness and hate. Our goal is to be a shining beacon of inclusiveness and democracy to prove that we are stronger together, and that love truly trumps hate.
  • Deep House Yoga 5-7pm Public Works, SF. A room full of Yogi’s dancing & expressing together!
    We bring together underground ambient deep house music, with a lively & fun power flow yoga class, to transport you to a state of bliss, calm & connection.
  • Shabbat Jewish Services with The Kitchen 6:15pm, San Francisco Friends School, SF. A progressive political, egalitarian congregation. Don’t hide under your covers on the 20th. Do like us: We’re taking one day to set aside despair and reset ourselves towards a different kind of horizon.
  • Community Gathering & Sit 6:30-8pm Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre. Join us as we come together as a community to hold our experiences around national events with compassion and to support one another during this moment of change and uncertainty. Pre-registration for this event is not required.
  • Burning Trump In Effigy + Satanic Marshmallow Roast 6:30-8:30pm, rsvp for location. In “honor” of the new president’s inauguration, we’re setting him on fire. Symbolically. And with some “magic” thrown in to hopefully mitigate the damage he does.
  • You Have A Voice Art Show 7-9pm Bayview Opera House SF. The goal of this show is to empower people and let them know that their voice matters, that all of our voices matter. This show explores the political in art. We hope to bring understanding to how democracy works and to exercise our 1st ammendment rights to take a stand and express what we believe. The art and events connected to this show artistically express many current political points of view.
  • 100 Days Action Inaugural Ball 7-10pm Royal NoneSuch Gallery, Oakland. Come celebrate the launch of 100 Days Action, a project of artistic resistance, designed to be a counter narrative to Trump’s plan for his first 100 Days. Performance by Teresita De La Torre (L.A.), “Todos Los Dias.” 
  • Concert for Oakland DIY Spaces 9-11:30pm Studio Grand, Oakland. A host of Bay Area musicians and activists converge at Studio Grand for a special Inauguration Day protest event—a show of solidarity, personhood, and shared catharsis.


  • General Strike a number of individuals and groups have called for a general strike asking people to organize walkouts at schools and workers to call out sick and take the day off. No work, no school, no shopping, no housework.
  • Bay Area Dump Trump 8am-1pm Meet at Justin Herman Plaza, SF (Embarcadero BART) and march to Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Peter Thiel, ICE, and other groups supporting Trump’s hate-policies. Greeters will be at Justin Herman Plaza anytime between 8AM and 12PM to direct you where to join the march. 12 PM: Rally and Alternative Inaugural Concert at 555 California St., SF. 12 PM: Rally and Alternative Inaugural Concert at 555 California St., SF
  • Tech Workers for Racial Justice 10am-5pm Oscar Grant Plaza, Oakland. Connecting Racial Justice Organizations with Tech. Resources. If you’re with a not-for-profit organization or activist/advocacy group working on racial/social justice causes to support, defend, and uplift underserved and marginalized communities throughout the Bay Area and beyond, and could use help from technology resources, we’re here to help!
  • Pussy March 11:30am-2pm Embarcadero Station SF, a walk up Market St to commemorate Obama as a thank you for his service.
  • UC Berkeley Student Walkout 12-3pm Sproul Plaza. Donald Trump and the Republican Party are preparing to unleash a storm of attacks on women, immigrants, the Muslim community, LGBTQ people, workers, and the environment. We must stand together in solidarity against Trump’s attempts to divide us!
  • Whip Facism: Leather won’t Back Down 3:30pm-5pm The Eagle, SF. This is a leather/kink/queer feeder march for the ANSWER protest. The leather community has always stood up for the queer and kinky community, from the fight against AIDS to the fight for marriage equality. The next four years will be no exception – we won’t let the right roll back our rights or our freedom!
  • ANSWER and Inaugurate the Change  5pm United Nations Plaza, SF. Fight Racism, Defend Immigrants.


  • Planned Parenthood Fundraiser All Day, local businesses including Bi-Rite and Dynamo Donut are donating proceeds from the day’s sales to Planned Parenthood. Here is the full list of participating merchants in SF and East Bay.
  • Inequality Media Fundraiser 8am-9pm Saul’s Restaurant, Berkeley. Saul’s will fundraise all day on Inauguration Day. Proceeds from sales to benefit Inequality Media
  • Stand Up, Fight Back Planned Parenthood Fundraiser 4pm-2am El Rio, SF. A Benefit FOR Planned Parenthood and AGAINST Racism, Misogyny, Homophobia and Xenophobia. From 4-6pm all bar proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood. We will have a donation bucket at the door for folks to contribute to and we will be donating a portion of door proceeds from 9-cl as well.
  • National Immigration Law Center Fundraiser 4-8pm, Bar Threefiftyfive Oakland. A specialty cocktail menu with 50% of sales being donated to the NILC. Plus, Litzky Catering is once again donating some delicious snacks and 100% of sales being donated to the NILC.
  • Women’s March Fundraiser 5pm-8pm Wine Down, SF. Please join us at Wine Down SF- women owned + operated wine and beer bar to support our march. There is a cover charge of $5-$10 (no one is turned away for lack of funds .. OR for giving more;). Enjoy our $5.00 wine special #marchingirl and get to know the women behind the march.
  • Planned Parenthood Fundraiser 5pm-2am Doc’s Clock  SF. Come have a drink! We are donating 50% of the bar to PP all night.
  • Oh No!Gural Ball 8-11pm Verdi Club, SF.Find friends – old and new – during this challenging transition of power. Our event will lift our collective spirits and raise money for 4 amazing local charities that fight every day for everything our President-elect wants to attack.
  • The Blue Ball 8-11pm HOME, Treasure Island. An evening for cocktails and causes, fun and fundraising. The gathering, conceived in love and rage by a group of Bay Area friends in the wake of the Election, offers appetizers, cocktails, DJ sets by the illustrious DJL, and the chance to donate directly to organizations protecting those targeted by the incoming administration.
  • DIY Communities Safety Fund 8-11pm Eli’s Mile High Club, Oakland. Concert with Bädr Vogu, Akatharsia, Rapid Decline, Barren Alta. Donations $8-20 sliding scale.
  • The Show Up Benefit 9pm The Independent, SF. Hosted by Marcella Arguella Richie Cunning, Aria Rostami,Quaaludes. Proceeds will be donated to organizations that support those that may be negatively affected after the leadership shift: Planned Parenthood, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Immigration Forum and The Human Rights Campaign.
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Amiee Kushner

Amiee Kushner

Amiee is SF's favorite ginger Jewess, a native of the Bay Area, and in charge of the money stuff at Broke-Ass Stuart. Unless you are a writer who hasn't got paid yet, then she is just a contributor. She was also the campaign manager for Stuart's quixotic quest to be mayor in 2015. She travels, hikes, stays up way too late and occasional cooks more food than anyone should eat. You can check out some of her super not-kosher recipes at