Arts and CultureNew York

CMJ Shows Worth Spending a Few Bucks On

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Photo from Addicto Music News

As I watched a group of three vaguely-European twenty somethings wrangle their luggage and musical instruments in hardcases, I thought “Oh yeah, CMJ is this week.” They could be in town with musical instruments this week by pure coincidence, but I doubt it. This week, pretty much every show in the city is CMJ affiliated, which translates to a shit ton of shows to choose from. Here are a few in the next two days that are worth checking out:

Wednesday, October 21

The DeBretts, The Seedy Seeds, Gentlemen Auction House, The Willoz, and Love in October.The bands range from electro indie pop to heavy indie rock with a bit of distortion. And your $6 cover gets you open bar for PBR and well drinks from 8pm to 9pm.
Trash Bar
256 Grand Street at Roebling, [Williamsburg]
8pm, $6

Oh My Rockness Showcase featuring: Cymbols Eat Guitars, I Was a King, Free Energy, Beach Fossils, Eternal Summers, and more. The music ranges from guitar heavy rock with soothing vocals and calming tunes that are perfect to frolic in place to. The cover is $15, but there are almost ten bands playing.

Santos Party House
96 Lafayette Street, between White and Walker [Chinatown]
7pm, $15

Hello Sir Records Showcase with: Cinemechanica, Ho-Ag, The Bronzed Chorus, Antarctic and So Many Dynamos. Hello Sir is a record label based in Athens, Georgia made up of bands who will rock your pants off. Their showcase will do the same.
Lit Lounge
93 Second Avenue, between East 5th and East 6th [East Village]
8:30pm, $6

Thursday October 22

After the Jump Showcase with: Shilpa Ray and her Happy Hookers, Pow Wow, Kittens Ablaze, The Shakey Hands, The Answering Machine, And the Relatives. Shilpa Ray is a punk-rock harmonium player, and her band alone will destroy your brain with awesomeness.
Cake Shop
152 Ludlow Street at Stanton [Lower East Side]
7pm, $8

DFA CMJ Party featuring: Yacht, and DJ sets by Shit Robot, Still Going, Holy Ghost!, and Special Disco Version. If you needed a reason to dance your ass off on a Thursday night in a bowling alley, you now have one.
Brooklyn Bowl
61 Wythe Avenue at N11 street [Williamsburg]
8pm, $5

Canadian Blast! with Spiral Beach, and other awesome Canadian bands. If you forgot to celebrate Canada or Canadian Thanksgiving, come see a showcase of bands from our northern neighbors.
Arlene’s Grocery
95 Stanton Street, between Ludlow and Orchard [Lower East Side]
8pm, $8

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Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher

After years of denial, Kiley has finally admitted to baring a striking resemblance to Velma from Scooby Doo. Instead of traveling in a van hunting ghosts, she prefers wandering on foot in search of tacos, cheap beer, and fake birds. Growing up in Portland, Kiley enjoyed the balance of urban and green spaces. Then she spent her four years at Ithaca College, and found herself craving more sprawling asphalt in her life. So she moved to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where most of the buildings look like they're about to collapse. Kiley's favorite activities include: getting lost, crafting, sewing, biking, and geeking out at museums. Her love of taxidermy probably makes her a terrible vegetarian, but she doesn't care.