Arts and CultureDIYEat & DrinkSan Francisco

Events for the 5 Senses

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Wondering what to do for fun this week?  Feeling a little dead inside?  Wake yourself up with an event for each of the 5 senses.  And they are all FREE or almost FREE!

1st Sense, TASTE: Get your taste buds going!  Go to an event at SF’s Omnivore Books, learn how to prepare delicious food, and cross your fingers for FREE samples.  I know the raw food movement makes some of you want to punch yourself in the mouth (I have my moments), but most likely those raw foodists you hate are skinnier and have clearer skin than you, so try to keep an open mind and an open mouth.

Rod Rotundi, author of Raw Food for Real People
Saturday Oct. 24, 3-4 pm,
Omnivore Books on Food
3885a Cesar Chavez St. [the Mission]

2nd Sense, TOUCH: Work those lazy fingers!  The San Francisco/Oakland chapter of the national crafting organization Church of Craft is having one of their Craft Sundays this weekend in San Francisco. 'œBring your new or continuing craft projects to work on with your fellow crafters. As always, you can craft during the swap, come and go open house style, and potluck snacks are optional.'

Church of Craft’s Craft Sunday
Sunday, October 25th, 12-5pm
Citizen Space
425 2nd Street @ Harrison, #100'¨[SOMA-ish]

3rd Sense, HEAR: Stimulate your eardrums tomorrow night!  This may be a shameless plug for my own show, but it really is an awesome lineup at adorable Bluesix GalleryJen Grady, an amazing cellist who loops her cello and guitar parts and then sings over them right before your very eyes (or in this case, ears).  Chloe Makes Music, that’s me.  Hélène Renaut, an lovely folk singer whose French accent makes her songs endlessly charming.  And headlining is Portland’s Neal Morgan, the drummer for Joanna Newsom, whose rad new solo project combines voice and drums (it is being distributed by Drag City, so keep your eyes peeled!).

Thursday, October 22nd, 8pm
Bluesix Gallery
3043 24th St. @ Treat [the Mission]

4th Sense, SEE: Tickle your eyeballs with a sneak peek at one of the most entertaining contemporary fiction writers.  Oakland’s shop Diesel, A Book Store is host next Tuesday to Michael Chabon, bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Wonder Boys, The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, among others.  He will be discussing his new book of essays, Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son.

Michael Chabon
Tuesday, October 27th, 7 pm
Diesel, A Bookstore
5433 College Ave [near the Rockridge bart station]

5th Sense, SMELL: Set your nostrils flaring with some patchouli-infused dreadlocks.  This weekend is West Fest, the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock, and my guess is that it ain’t gonna smell like roses with thousands of hippies and pseudo-hippies getting in your elbow space.  It is an all-day super-festival with music, food, and a really insane list of attractions.  For example, the teepee village, the sustainable road show, the eco dome, and 3,000 '¨guitar players will attempt to break the World’s Record for the Largest '¨Guitar Ensemble playing “Purple Haze” all at the same time.  Maybe you’ll even discover your 6th sense at the ascension/meditation music performances!

West Fest
Sunday, October 25th 9am-6pm
Speedway Meadows [Golden Gate Park]

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Chloe - Pennywise Reporter

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter

Chloe's youth was split between California and Kauai, frolicking on a macadamia nut farm in the tropics and landing finally in the Bay Area. Raised by super-Jew hippies, and the youngest of three sisters, Chloe learned early the virtues of thrift, economy, and green living. To the chagrin of her parents (who hoped, of course, for a Jewish doctor or lawyer), Chloe has put her degree from UC Berkeley to great use by becoming a folk singer. As "Chloe Makes Music" she plays shows throughout SF and beyond, donning vintage frocks, selling handmade merch, and pinching pennies as she sings for her supper. Calling Berkeley home for the last six years, you can think of Chloe as the website's East Bay Correspondent, opening your eyes to the hippie-filled, tree-hugging, organic-loving, vegan-eating, but way-overlooked and awesome assets of Berkeley, Oakland, and beyond.