Movie Marathons and other Alliterations
As I write this I am smack dab in the middle of an epic day known to geeks and movie lovers across the world as the one, the only, the Day of the Rings. On this day of reckoning the girls/boys are separated from ladies/men in an almighty back to back viewing of all three of the Lord of the Rings films (extended version obviously). This nearly twelve hour day of hobbits, orcs, wizards and giant talking trees is enough to drive weaklings mad, but to some it is heaven.
I fall somewhere between the weaklings and the hard core Ringers, but somehow, here I am watching Liv Tyler as an elf and eating frozen foods like a true nerd bomber. Why do I do it you say? Because, I love movie marathons. The sense of community, the junk food and the awesomeness of experiencing an entire movie franchise in one sitting makes me real happy. Plus, it’s the only activity with the word “marathon” in it that I ever plan to participate in. For those of you who share my love, here are a few more ideas for epic movie marathons and the guidelines that make them even more fun than you could imagine! On your marks! Get set! GO!!!
Mamma Mia Fettucine Day – Godfather/Goodfellas
On this Day You Cannot Refuse, gather members of your “family” and other of your favorite goombas to watch the first two of the “Godfather” saga. By no means should you watch the third movie, or you risk tainting the beauty of the first two. In lieu of the final installation, I suggest substituting another mombster classic like “Goodfellas.” The only food that can be consumed during Mamma Mia Fettucine Day is pizza, pasta, or any other Italian treats.
Who’s your Daddy Day – Star wars
The way I see it, you have two options on this one. You can do what I would do and watch the last three episodes, as they are arguably superior to the more modern three of the series. If you are really fucking hardcore or just slightly masochistic you could attempt to watch all six episodes, but for pete’s sake break them up into two days at the very least. And don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also, dress in costume. It’ll make things more interesting.
Back to Back to Back to the Futures – Back to the Future
Get your Marty McFly on and watch the trilogy rocking your best puffy vest and eating your favorite foods from when you were a kid. Ho Ho’s and Kix here I come!
Saw Your Face Off – “Saw” movies followed by “Face/Off”
This marathon should be reserved only for when desperate or drunk. Or both.
Chest Poppin’ Babies – Alien
Channel your inner sci-fi nerd and welcome Sigourney Weaver’s man-arm embrace. Just watch out for any tummy bulges. Fun fact: Sigourney’s given name was Susan. Yeah. I would have changed it to Sigourney too.