Arts and CultureDIY

Broke-Ass Tech: The Cracked-Out iPhone Fix

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The iPhone doesn’t come with insurance. Why is this? Because it is super susceptible to injury when dropped (and AT&T hates you). If you’re unlucky enough to be as clumsy as me (and too lazy/cheap/stupid to shell out for a fat, rubber case to protect the damn thing) the face of your iPhone looks like Charlotte’s been spinning webs across its surface. If you’re lucky enough to still have a functional phone, do what the Guy-Sitting-Next-to-Me-at-the-Zeitgiest suggested and use packing tape to hold that ghetto mother together (thanks Guy-Sitting-Next-to-Me-at-Zeitgeist!). Yup, regular ol’ packing tape.

I tried it, I swear it works just fine and your touch screen will still operate. It might take a few tries to get all the air bubbles smoothed out, and I recommend having an Xacto blade around to trim the edges and cut out space for the speakers but it’s basically doing the same thing as those “official” store-bought sticky protective face covers do, just without dropping $15 for a three pack. Which means not only can you stop getting glass splinters in your fingertips every time you answer a call, but you’ll also be able to keep moisture out of the cracks which will help you squeeze a few more months of life outta that Apple toy. Which means you can use the cash to get an actual phone case. Or start saving for a replacement. Which you will drop within six months.

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Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless

A freelance writer, blogger and poet based in San Francisco, Amber has written for PC World, InfoWorld, and the 16th & Mission Review. She has performed at City Hall, Litquake, the Brainwash, 16th & Mission, BlueSix, and SFSU among other places. Amber is also consummate fan of swearing, organizational freak, yoga practitioner, music geek, caffeine addict, and tattoo enthusiast who enjoys platform shoes, making out, thumb wrestling and fighting the good fight. She owns a bicycle named Gretel, a motor scooter named Elroy and a cat named Simon. She can be found in various virtual locations all over your interwebs.