Arts and CultureSan Francisco

Last Chance to Get FREE Tickets to See Rogue Wave Tonight

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Rogue Wave loves you, that’s obvious because tonight’s show at Great American Music Hall is the second FREE show they’ve played in the Bay Area in the past 3 months. There’s a slight catch to this one though – you’ll have to drop by Philz Coffee on 24th St in the Mission or on Shattuck to pick up you FREE tickets. Which actually isn’t that bad since I can almost guarantee that 99% of you will need a cup of coffee at some point today.

And if you can’t make it to Philz or if you work downtown, you can also pick up FREE tickets at the Verizon store on Market and 4th where, according to the info page, you’ll receive VIP Tickets if you demo a Samsung Fascinate. Which I’m pretty sure means they just want you to play with their new phone. So you could take your significant other/current love interest on a VIP date and make him/her think you’re important, just for spending 5 minutes playing with a phone. Not a bad deal when you’re broke.

FREE Rogue Wave show
Great American Music Hall
Tonight, November 4th at 8 PM
859 O’Farrell St at Polk [Russian Hill/Tenderloin]
More Info

Pick up tickets at the following locations:
Philz Coffee
9AM – 3PM
3101 24th St. at Folsom St. [Mission]
1600 Shattuck Ave. at Cedar St. [Berkeley]

Verizon Wireless Store
11:00am '“ 5:00pm
Demo a Samsung Fascinate for VIP tickets
768 Market St. at 4th St. [Downtown]

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Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew is an East Coast transplant from Virginia hamming it up in San Francisco without any intention of leaving. Having worked every typical job from Bike Shop Employee to Bartender to Ad Agency Hotshot, to Dotcom Layoff he now busts his ass covering the "weird things to do" beat for gracious local audiences at and rallies the Western Addy/Lower Haight/Panhandle neighborhoods into action at His work was published in a real, paper magazine one time. One day he might even figure out how to make money from it.