SF’s First Ever ‘Ginger Pride Day’ (*Update)
Following the Supreme Court’s vote in favor of same-sex marriage last month, an even more historic and landmark day will be taking place in San Francisco tomorrow. For those who wear their fiery souls on the outside, they will finally get the chance to celebrate their beautifully recessive gene during ‘Ginger Pride Day,’ held at Dolores Park Monarch on Thursday, July 30. (But word on the street is you might still find a few redheads lurking around the park at around 6pm)
This past month, the redheaded community finally received digital recognition with the launch of the long awaited ginger emoji. And now, for those in San Francisco tomorrow, the Lucille Balls, the Ed Sheerans, the Vitamin Cs, the Ron Weasleys and even your own Broke Ass Stuart (who will be giving a speech on ginger politics), can all come together in ginger pride. The full event schedule for the day can be found on their official Facebook event page; with pro-ginger photo albums and the event’s organizer Mike Witherspoon posted information on a potential photobooth with red wigs for the “ginger challenged.” This is of course an off-shoot of the larger ‘Redhead Day,’ that takes place the first week of September in the Netherlands and attracts over 4,000 beautifully red headed people.
The fun doesn’t stop there, as extra perks for those glorious freckles and magnificent red hair include drink discounts and Jameson specials at Monarch for afterparty festivities.
*Latest Update – The organizers posted an important update on location changes to the Facebook events page, please read below;
“MONARCH: First, please note that there are NO changes to the SF Ginger Pride Celebration at Monarch from 9PM to 2AM. All aspects of that event remain unchanged.
DOLORES PARK: Unfortunately, we received a call from a Events And Facilities Specialist at SF Recreation & Parks concerned about the growing size of the events in the park so regrettably we must CANCEL all of the following activities: (a) Silent Disco, (b) Photo Booth, (c) Cake cutting, and (d) speech by mayoral candidate Broke-Ass Stuart. Our park contact did point out that people are free to picnic in the park but all of the events we were hosting in Dolores Park are officially CANCELLED. We apologize for that news. We love the work SF Recreation & Parks does and want to respect their wishes. Note that they were very open to hosting Ginger Pride once the park is back up and fully operational so stay tuned.
xoxoxox… see you tonight.”