Big News! BrokeAssStuart has been Acquired!
That’s right folks, after nearly a year of negotiation has been acquired by News Corp. Now you may be thinking, “I can’t believe Stuart sold out to a company owned by Rupert Murdoch.” But honestly Rupert’s not that bad of a guy (I mean Fox News is pretty great right?), and he also paid me $20 million.
This means that will have a completely new image and focus. The brand will now be and we will be focusing on rich white people problems. There will be articles like “How to Avoid Paying Your Taxes”, “The Best Way to Tell Lazy People That If You Can Do it So Can They”, and “Why All Lives Matter”.
We’re also coming out to fully endorse Donald Trump. There is nothing worse than Muslim Mexicans sneaking into this country to take away good white people jobs like domestic terrorism.
Thanks for all the support over the years. Now go get a third job or something and stop complaining about equality. If I can be born a straight, white man, so can you.