We want you to see Andrew Bird @ The Masonic for free!
Bird’s primary instrument is the violin, but he is also proficient at other instruments including whistling, guitar, and the glockenspiel. With his new album, Are You Serious, Andrew Bird has widened the breadth of his art by directly reflecting his own human experience. With key contributions from Fiona Apple and Blake Mills, Are You Serious attains a level of expression that’s a personal, evolutionary leap. “Here I am with my most unguarded, direct, relatable album to date,” Bird says, “Go easy on me.”
I just find his music utterly romantic and able to express the hidden parts of how I feel inside and could never openly express to those I have such feelings for. Because, it’s not manly.
Monday, May 16, 2016 @ 8PM | The Masonic | Tickets can be purchased and should be purchased here