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Leaked Photos of ‘Pocahontas’ Film Starring Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom

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Outrage over another minority role going to a white actor has begun after photos leaked from the new Fox Searchlight production of Lewis & Clark: Making America Great For the First Time starring Orlando Bloom as “Lewis” and Katy Perry as his Native American guide and confidant “Pocahontas “.

Hollywood has taken some heat of late for giving roles of famous non-whites from history to actors considered to be “very white”.  In 2014 20th Century Fox cast two caucasian British actors as Moses and the Pharoah Ramses in Exodus: Gods and Kings.  In 2015 Sony & Colombia pictures cast arguably the whitest woman on the planet (Emma Stone) to play a character clearly written as a mixed race Hawaiin in Aloha.  Now Matt Damon (Emma Stone with a penis) is staring in a Chinese movie called The Great Wall,

The ‘white hero’ headlining a movie about China prompted Chinese American actress Constance Wu to write, “We have to stop perpetuating the racist myth that [only a] white man can save the world.  Our heroes don’t look like Matt Damon. They look like Malala. Ghandi. Mandela.

Anonymous sources at 2oth Century Fox have come forward to defend their film saying the rumors that Katy Perry is playing ‘Pocahantas‘ are untrue, “In fact, in the movie she will be referred to as ‘Sacagawea‘ in order to make the film as authentic as possible,” studio sources say.

White actors filling the roles of minorities is of course nothing new in Hollywood, here are 100 other examples from movie history.  The excuse that white actors simply ‘bring in more money to large studio films’ is quickly fading from reality.  That reasoning is not only shallow, it simply doesn’t hold water.  You can read all about it The Atlantic: Hollywood Has No Business Case for Booking All-White Casts.  Even if white actors did bring in more money, that is hardly a good reason for studios to whitewash historical representations.

Lewis & Clark: Making America Great For the First Time (new working title) has no set release date yet, but director Ridley Scott is rumored to be very excited about this new project.  Filming on the Italian set is scheduled to continue throughout the summer.

All photos of the production were first published on   And half of the information in this ‘article’ was made up.  Aloha

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