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Chelsea Manning speaks about trans rights and we wanna send you!

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Chelsea Manning worked as an intelligence analyst for the United States Department of Defense, where she publicly disclosed classified documents that revealed human rights abuses and corruption connected to the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Upon being sentenced to 35 years for leaking government documents, an unprecedented amount of time for whistleblowers, she publicly identified as a trans woman and asserted her legal rights to medical therapy. After serving seven years in military prison, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence to time served. She was released in 2017.

Since her release, Chelsea has remained a vocal advocate for queer and transgender rights in addition to maintaining her extensive technological knowledge and interests, with particular focus on the growing concerns associated with the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on society. Join Chelsea Manning with author and CIIS professor Carolyn Cooke for a conversation exploring ethical questions presented by Artificial Intelligence and human consciousness, as well as transgender issues and identity.

Friday, March 30, 2018 | California Institute of Integral Studies | Tickets can be purchased here

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