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Broke-Ass Stuarts Weekly NYC Comedy Breakdown!

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

New York City is known for many things. To some, it’s the dirty-water hot dogs from a street cart or pizza on every corner. To some, it’s the flashing Broadway lights of the iconic Times Square. What can’t be denied by anyone is the fact that New York City is one of the biggest entertainment capitols of the world. And we’re making Broke-Ass Stuart your go-to for weekly stand-up comedy listings in the Big Apple. Each week, we’ll highlight the best of the best in the stand-up comedy world from the best producers in the business. We’ll highlight clubs, basements, bars & maybe even a secret location or two. And with that being said: Here’s your weekly breakdown!

Mondays (Weekly):
Hush Money at Pinks! (242 E. 10th St,)
Hosts: Mehran Khaghani & Lillian DeVane
Every Monday night at 8pm, Hush Money showcases some of the best that NYC has to offer in an intimate bar setting in Manhattan’s Lower East Side at Pinks! There’s always a handful of comics you’ve seen on Comedy Central, HBO, Showtime & more along with some of the best up & coming talent in the city. This is a free show.

New Talent at Caroline’s on Broadway! (1626 Broadway, Times Square)
Host: Varies per Week
Every Monday night at 7pm, long time Caroline’s manager & comedy veteran Ray Gootz presents a batch of new blood in the comedy game. This shows highlights the best new talent in the NYC comedy scene and balances out the line up with certified veterans of the comedy game and a new host every week to keep up the variety. This show has a cover, but word on the street says that if you call and say who you’re going to see, you can get in for only $5. Shhhhhh….

FRANTIC! At The Stand (239 3rd Ave)
Host: Aaron Berg
Every Monday night at 10pm, The Stand presents the best free comedy show you could set your eyes on. I don’t say the word “best” lightly, either. First off, the show is hosted by one of the best in the business, Aaron Berg. Second, the lineup is always an absolute murderers row of comedy including people like: Judah Friedlander, Ari Shaffir, Sal Vulcano from Impractical Jokers, Nikki Glaser, Jim Gaffigan, Janeane Garofalo and word on the street says that comics like Tracy Morgan, Bill Burr & more drop in unannounced on many a Monday nights. You don’t get better than this for free. Oh and the food is amazing as well.

Tuesdays (Weekly):
The Dump! At The Creek and The Cave (10-93 Jackson Ave, Queens)
Host: Jake Hart
Every Tuesday night at 8pm, Jake Hart presents The Dump! This storytelling show is a hybrid show & open mic but don’t let the term “open mic” fool you into believing that this show isn’t quality. Jake books heavy hitters every week and won’t hesitate to end a story early if they’re not delivering the goods. More than one comic currently featured on Comedy Central’s hit storytelling show “This Is Not Happening” have began their stories journey at this show.

Sweet! At The Slipper Room (167 Orchard St.)
Host: Seth Herzog
This is one of the most stacked weekly shows in NYC, hosted by Seth Herzog, at The Slipper Room in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. The Slipper Room is a fantastic venue known mostly for burlesque but every Tuesday at 9pm, Seth brings in the comedy big guns. When I say big guns, I’m talking surprises left & right including Jimmy Fallon & Bill Burr. Surprises aside, you’re always getting the hottest comics in the game. This show is $10 and worth all that & more. Get there early because it always sells out (for good reason).

The Roastmasters at The Stand (239 3rd Ave)
Host: Luis J. Gomez
Every Tuesday night at 10:30pm, the best roast battlers in NYC go head to head at The Roastmasters. If you’re not familiar with “roast battles”, understand that it’s brutal and hilarious. Two comics compete head to head with the most brutal and funny insults they can come up with about one another. Each battle is judged by comedy legends and some of the best roast battlers in the country that have included: Jeffrey Ross, Michael Che, Doug Benson & more.

Wednesdays (Weekly)
Better Days Comedy at Better Days NYC (302 Broome St.)
Hosted by: Petey DeAbreu
This 9pm show is some new blood in the NYC comedy scene but let me tell you…it’s one of the top shows in NYC every week. Hosted by NYC heavy hitter Petey DeAbreu, this show features regulars from the world famous Comedy Cellar, TV stars and some of the best up & coming stars in the NYC scene. Plus, you might be lucky enough to get your photo snapped by NYC photographer Brody Brodo.

Barely Making It at The Creek And The Cave (10-93 Jackson Ave, Queens)
Hosted By: Varies
This 8pm free show and famed comedy theatre, The Creek and The Cave, brings a fresh batch of comics to the stage every Wednesday with a solid mix of heavy hitting vets and up & comers. It’s always fun, always free and you’ll never leave unhappy.

New York Comedy Club Showcase (241 E. 24th St.)
Host: Varies
Wednesday nights at 11pm, New York Comedy Club presents a fresh batch of new blood in the comedy scene with special drop ins for your enjoyment. What sets this show apart is that it’s a surprise. You never know who will drop by. Come take a chance and leave happy!

Thursday (Weekly)
The Early Show at New York Comedy Club (241 E. 24th St.)
Host: Varies
Don’t think you can see quality comedy at 6:30pm on a Thursday? You’re wrong. NYCC presents some of the heaviest hitters in NYC every Thursday right after work. Often, you’ll see TV stars dropping in to work out new material and club regulars filming sets for projects. The energy is always high and the laughs are always aplenty.

Roast Battle at New York Comedy Club (241 E. 24th St.)
Host: Neko White
Roast Battle became famous in LA but the NYC Roast Battle scene is vicious. At 10:30, Thursday nights, Roast Battle MC Neko White throws comics into the roast battle ring to insult one another and go for the throat. Many of the comics seen on this stage have been on “Roast Battle” on Comedy Central.

Comics That Don’t Suck at Divine Bar (896 Broadway, Brooklyn)
Host: Varies
This Brooklyn staple happens every week at 8:30pm at Divine Bar. This is dive bar comedy at it’s finest and the name does not lie. Producer Kevin Salisbury always hand picks the best comedians NYC has to offer and presents them to you free in an intimate, rowdy & fun setting.

Friday (Weekly)
Creek Cave Live at The Creek and The Cave (10-93 Jackson Ave., Queens)
Host: Varies
Club owner and comedy goddess Rebecca Trent presents some of her favorite touring comics every week at 10pm. This show never disappoints, always brings a new batch of comics to the stage, has surprises and only runs you $5 on a Friday night. Get yourself out to The Creek on Friday Nights.

Black Cat at Black Cat Lounge (172 Rivington St.)
Host: Varies
This show happens every week at 8 & 10pm. Producer Ryan Dacalos has been in the game for awhile and knows how to put on a show. He brings some of the best in NYC to Manhattans Lower East Side for you every Friday night for only $5. You can’t go wrong with that.

Saturdays (Weekly)
Saturday nights in NYC are an absolute hotbed for comedy. Rather than showcase single shows on Saturdays (since it’s basically impossible to choose), we’ll list some of the best weekly venues to see comedy.
The Comedy Cellar (117 MacDougal)
The Creek and The Cave (10-93 Jackson Ave)
The Stand (239 3rd Ave.)
West Side Comedy Club (201 W. 75th St.)
Gotham Comedy Club (208 W. 23rd St.)
New York Comedy Club (241 E. 24th St.)
The Grisly Pear (107 Macdougal St.)
The Village Lantern *Comedy All Week Long, Every Week* (167 Bleeker St.)

Sunday (Weekly)
Bacon Bits at The Stand (239 3rd St.)
Host: Remy Kassimir
Do you like Brunch? Do you like laughing? How about free bacon? Well, you’re in luck, because you get all those things at 3:30pm at The Stand for the Bacon Bits brunch show. You’ll see a new crop of comedians every week along with superstar drop ins every afternoon. This show is the absolute best show to catch on a Sunday.

Sunday Brunch at The Grisly Pear (107 Macdougal St.)
Host: Varies
Sundays at 5pm, the laughs start early at The Grisly Pear in NYC’s famed Greenwich Village. The Grisly Pear has been seen on HBO’s “Crashing” and is a solid go-to any day for comedy. What sets Sundays apart is that the show is early so you never know who is coming in to do time on stage.

RetroBits at QED Astoria (27-16 23rd Ave)
Host: TJ Del Reno
This show is a hybrid video game & comedy show. Every Sunday, you’ll see TJ & the crew do comedic commentary on the audience playing mostly terrible retro video games. It’s a fun, absurd venture from the normal stand up formula.

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Hey Readers!

I'm a stand up comic, freelance writer, freelance photographer & freelance (insert thing here you want to pay me to do) based out of NYC. I've been doing comedy for a decade and writing professionally for 5-6 years.

I produce a show every 1st Wednesday of the month at The Creek and The Cave in NYC at 10pm and you should totally come see it. Check out my Instagram for my photos. I like you, I know you'll like me back.

- Jonas Barnes
@JonasBarnes on Twitter
@jonasbarnescomedy on IG
Booking (Comedy, Photography, Writing):