We wanna send you and a friend to see Y La Bamba!
Luz Elena Mendoza returns to themes of searching, metamorphosis, shared humanity, and a faith that is greater than just religion. Born in San Francisco as a first generation daughter of immigrant parents from Michoacan, she spent her childhood raised by the melodies and stories that were being told through traditional Mexican folk songs. From the intimate, contemplative verses in her native-language, to the revelations of the history in her roots, her story is delivered with poise. Mendoza finds the intricate space between creation and growth to keep her poetic expression emotionally raw and ever evolving. These songs are a soundtrack built for coming to grips with, not just one’s own mortality, but the fragility of the world, presenting sounds that carry the realness of ancestral trauma and the search of identity.
Saturday, July 7, 2018 | Swedish American Hall | Tickets can be purchased here