Cowgirl Creamery is Closing the Ferry Building Location

The Cowgirl Creamery Ferry Building location. Photo from their website.
I don’t know about you, but I love cheese more than I like most people. And I’m a people person, which goes to show now much I love cheese. So this is obviously a bummer considering how wonderful Cowgirl Creamery‘s cheese is.
According to the Chronicle, after 18 years Cowgirl Creamery is closing its Ferry Building location on April 10th. Cowgirl is one of the last remaining of the original tenants and has unfortunately chalked top their closing to…you guessed it, the fucking pandemic.
When the Chronicle asked Amanda Parker, managing director of Cowgirl, about the closing she said that since the start of the pandemic there was, “No ferry traffic, no locals except on farmers’ market days, no tourists. We tried really hard to make it work and ultimately it’s just not an operation we could sustain any longer.”
If you’ve ever eaten really good cheese at a party or on a cheese plate at a restaurant in the Bay Area, chances are you’ve had Cowgirl Creamery. Cheeses like Mt. Tam, Red Hawk, and Wagon Wheel have been delighting tastebuds for a generation, and the Ferry Building location was a wonderful spot where you could get a sampler of artisanal cheeses and then go out back and enjoy the view of the bay. At least that’s what I did on many occasions.
Luckily the creamery itself isn’t going anywhere, and you’ll still be able to get their delightful creations at stores and their Pt. Reyes Creamery Barn Shop & Cantina.
Read the rest of the story that the Chronicle reported right here.