NewsSF Bay Area

‘National Rape Day’ Is Not Real…and It’s Not Funny

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There’s a sick and twisted thing making its way around social media, and like a lot of things that trend like wildfire, it doesn’t seem to be at all real. But that doesn’t make it less disturbing to see words like “National Rape Day.”  

Things allegedly started with a TikTok video claiming that sexual assault would be legal on April 24. 

For starters: No, just no. Sexual assault is not legal on April 24 or on any other damn day. Next, fact checkers can’t seem to find the original video that sparked this neanderthal nonsense supposedly dreamt up by six incels with an axe to grind.

A TikTok spokesperson told Snopes they haven’t tracked down the video but called the now viral message abhorrent. The whole thing may have been developed in the mind of a 13-year-old virgin who thought it would be super funny, but we may never know.

But just to be clear, it is not fucking funny. It is, however, triggering for sexual assault victims, and could end up inspiring some real world consequences.

There’s a whole subhuman subculture of walking trash bags who glorify and encourage rape as a means to “correct” women and take what they believe they deserve. While there are very real and scary female predators out there who should not be underestimated, it’s a particular group of males (not to be confused with men) who flock to each other in online forums to share conquests and tips for how to get away with assault. 

Several years ago, I found myself down a Reddit rabbit hole of terror that started with the ‘red pill’ men’s rights advocates crowd and devolved into a forum titled “The Philosophy of Rape.” It was a horrible space filled with equally horrible men giving attaboys and advice to other horrible men.

The things I saw there were emotionally shattering, but I figured it was better to know these assholes exist. We can make safer decisions when we at least know what lurks.

I don’t bring this up to instill some deep paranoia. The point is that whether this April 24 thing was a hoax or some sick fantasy, it’s always dangerous and downright cruel to put ideas like that out into the world. It’s never funny. Assault victims are not laughing.

But while we are on the topic, April is sexual assault awareness month. Unfortunately, many women and men are already far too aware based on their own experiences. If you or someone you love has been assaulted or is in need of support or resources, RAINN offers confidential 24-hour support through either online chat or by calling (800) 656-4673.

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Nik Wojcik - East Bay Editor

Nik Wojcik - East Bay Editor

Journalist, editor, student, single mom to a pack of wolves, foodie, music lover, resident smart ass, and champion of vulgarity and human kindness.