
19 Aug 2015

Porn for Women

I know I don’t speak for every woman, but many of us have needs. Deep, difficult to satisfy needs that have to be carefully explored and often visually stimulated. Trying to satiate these rampant urges can take a woman down dark, unexplored paths of mystery. It can be delightful or

Candace Cui - Actual Unicorn 0
19 Aug 2015

A San Francisco Musician’s Solution to Cultural Displacement

Video Press Release – Bay Area native and musician, Robin Applewood releases his new music video Resonator, a poetically positive response to the extreme disparity and gentrification in one of America’s favorite cities, San Francisco, and the modern artist’s collective struggle to make a living. “The brand new song and

19 Aug 2015

The City That Could Be: Looking to the Future

P Segal, Bohemian Archivist, has turned her attention from how great this city used to be to how incredible it could become, if Stuart were mayor. Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been writing about the city that was these days. That’s because, at this pivotal point

P Segal - Bohemian Archivist 0
19 Aug 2015

A Letter From (Some Are) Camp

Dear Stuart,   Camp’s been great! The last rays of languid orange light dapple a fright wig bobbing in the R3‘s pool like a gentle blood clot in a sea of Hypnotiq. Ay, Stuart, the last day of camp is always bittersweet, and indeed my heart feels as heavy as

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
18 Aug 2015

BREAKING: The Beloved Riptide Bar Catches Fire

Reports just came in that the beloved honky-tonk by the beach just caught fire.  It’s a real shame, that’s a great Sunset bar, built in 1941.  Stuart’s taken at least two different pubcrawls there.  We love the Riptide, it was the only real music venue in the area.  Word is it

18 Aug 2015

Win Tickets To Lecrae @ Fox Theatre Oakland!

  Remaining true to his beliefs, Lecrae is an artist that redefines mainstream popular culture. Thematically, one can find inspiration, faith and honesty in his music. It’s simple to understand the easy attraction to Lecrae; in a sea of indulgent music, he’s swimming against the tide embracing all the things

illyannam 0
18 Aug 2015

The Burning Man Survival Guide: What They Don’t Say

  The Stuff Not Mentioned… If you’ve been to Burning Man a few times already, you probably don’t even bother reading the survival guide any more. You are already familiar with the desert and what to expect, pretty much. If you are going for the first time, the survival guide

P Segal - Bohemian Archivist 0

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