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White Voters Elect Trump, GOP Retains Congress, and the Stock Market Plummets

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In short.  Old, rural, white voters made sure Trump won the White House and that the Republicans retained control of congress.

gop keeps house and senate

Where?  In the snow plains of Wisconsin, on the rust belts of Ohio, and in the backwoods of Pennsylvania, they voted for Trump.  The white working class people in the midwest who voted for Obama in 2012 simply changed their minds and no one saw it coming. Those counties decided that a real estate mogul and reality tv star with no political experience should run the country over a 25 year Washington DC veteran.

Clinton VS Trump 2016 Election Results

2016 results

Compared to Obama VS. Romney 2012 Election Results2012 map obama v romney

The biggest difference was not with the city voters.  The rural north had record voter turnout as did white evangelical voters.  Take Wisconsin for example.  You can see that the counties in urban areas near major universities or Canadian borders voted for Hillary Clinton as expected, but outside the city and university centers they voted for Trump.  As the New York Times put it this morning “White working class voters over the age of 45, put trump in white house.”


wisonsin 2016

Wisconsin Election Map 2016.

All of the ‘political experts’ and polling models got it wrong.  None of them thought a candidate like Trump could win when large percentages of women, Latinos, & African Americans would not vote for him.  They were all wrong.  Nate Silver’s famed FiveThirtyEight election prediction machine that successfully called every state correctly in 2012’s presidential race had Clinton winning easily.

Common 2016 Election Prediction Map:

538 map election prediction map

The Moody poll has accurately predicted every presidential election since 1980.  These economists don’t mess around, their models take into account economic factors like gas prices all the way to ‘voter fatigue’ in swing states. They were also dead wrong:

moody model Moody Poll Prediction map wrong by a mile.

Every network, every major poll, every major pundit had Clinton winning.  What does this mean?  It means the way we are predicting elections does not work.  Either the people who got polled lied about who they voted for, or the media is simply asking the wrong the people.  In any case, nobody gave Donald Trump a chance since before the Republican Primary and he has proved them all wrong at every step of the way.

The two immediate ramifications following Trump’s presidential win were telling of how the globe is reacting to this populace, anti-globalization, and anti immigration vote.  The first thing that happened when it looked like Trump got was going to win was the stock market plummeted as reported by The Wall Street Journal: “Stock Futures Plunge as Donald Trump Posts Surprising Win”.  Why?  Because markets don’t like chaos, and there is nothing more uncertain than President Donald Trump who has talked about ending NAFTA, NATO, as well as closing US borders and relinquishing protection of the Ukraine and Baltic countries from Russia, while openly discussing the use of Nuclear Weapons.

The Second thing that happened was Canada’s Immigration website crashed.  The speculation is that it crashed because too many people were looking into moving to Canada rather than endure a Trump Presidency in the USA., Canada’s site for beginning path citizenship and immigration simply crashed

Meanwhile not only have the GOP won the Whitehouse, they have also retained control of the Senate and House of Representatives.  It was a clean sweep.  Hillary very narrowly won the popular vote, but Trump easily took the Electoral college, and not since Truman beat Dewey in 1948 have predictions been so wrong about a presidential race.

Victorious presidential candidate Pres. Harry Truman jubilantly displaying erroneous CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE w. headline DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN which overconfident Republican editors had rushed to print on election night, standing on his campaign train platform. (Photo by W. Eugene Smith//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Victorious presidential candidate Pres. Harry Truman jubilantly displaying erroneous CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE w. headline DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN which overconfident Republican editors had rushed to print on election night, standing on his campaign train platform. (Photo by W. Eugene Smith//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Clinton raised $500 million more than Trump, outspent him on ads, and out muscled him with campaign volunteers. She had women, minorities and young people, and she had President Obama campaigning for her.  Trump changed campaign managers 3 times, endured scandal after scandal, and rode a wave of populace anger and fearful white voters into victory.  It is a strong statement against liberal policies, against globalization, against immigration, and against the left.

trump twitter

Trump’s infamous twitter account now reads: “President-elect of the United States”.

At 3am Wednesday Trump released a reconciliation statement:

“Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country,” Trump said, minutes after Clinton called him to concede. “I mean that very sincerely. Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division. We have to get together. To all Republicans, Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.” – President-elect Donald Trump

Look out America, the Right has risen.

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

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