A Brilliant Way to Fight The White Nationalist Rallies in Berkeley & SF
Activist and thought leader Elizabeth McLaughlin made an excellent suggestion on facebook addressing how to peacefully combat racist rallies like the one in #charlottesville. Specifically, there are white supremacist rally planned for Crissy Field in San Francisco on August 26th and in Downtown Berkely on August 27th. McLaughlin referenced a great, non-violent tactic to combat these hateful gatherings tried by anti-racist organizations in Germany. When counter marches were failing to stop Neo Nazis from gathering there, counter protesters tried a different approach, they decided to hit the Nazi’s with their wallets:
VIA – Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin Facebook post:
“Assuming the (SF & Berkeley) rally goes forward, I will personally commit to donating $1 to the Southern Poverty Law Center for every single neo-nazi motherfucker in attendance to further racial justice in this nation (and I may even do it in the name of Richard Spencer just for the sake of doing the most damage).
If I had done this earlier, Friday night would have garnered a $700 donation of support for SPLC from me alone. JUST IMAGINE the difference we could make collectively through this effort, even if we committed to donating a penny per neo-nazi!
Who’s with me?
Imagine how awesome would it be to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for SPLC every single time white nationalists marched in this nation. Imagine the difference we could make.
HOW AWESOME would that be?!”
Southern Poverty Law Center Donation Page
“The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.”
Hat tip to BAS reader Jacqueline for tipping us to the FB post!